FX Air leaks fx panthera elemination process.

I've got a major leak but it hasn't been easy to find. As of now I have my bottles removed and that half of the reciever is depresurised. The plenum side is still under pressure and so I decided to leave it overnight and when I checked the next day it held the same. obviously this indicates something as in the air leak is not on the plenum side? So where should I look or for that matter not look? Would the valve or seat be leaking if the plenum isn't leaking?
I fund a leak of my Panthera by this screw nearby the manometers.

I just tighten it and leak disappeared.

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I've got a major leak but it hasn't been easy to find. As of now I have my bottles removed and that half of the reciever is depresurised. The plenum side is still under pressure and so I decided to leave it overnight and when I checked the next day it held the same. obviously this indicates something as in the air leak is not on the plenum side? So where should I look or for that matter not look? Would the valve or seat be leaking if the plenum isn't leaking?
The plenum is what feeds the valve so no it's after the regulator