Air only gas that can be used?

Ah now I see the difference thats a 4500 not a 6000, yours is physiclly the size of a 250 tank with twice the fill pressure 4500 vs 2265, my method of filling would allow you to use the rest of those tanks instead of exchanging when half full.

My other set up is a Tuxing twin compressor also only fed Nitrogen and use it to fill my 6.8l bottle the beauty of filling with nitrogen is good for the guns no water, oxygen, or C02

and the compressor gets the same benefits plus no detonation in the high pressure side so everything lives longer its a good thing.

Your gun shoots faster with nitrogen too about 10-15 % speed increase over plain old air.
ok so even with a full bottle, the output of your bottle reg is only about 6-8 psi so u dont even need any high pressure stuff on the input to your compressor. Sound like a great setup. In this way you can completely pull your supply tank all the way down to zero, Actually pretty neat, Maybe I will invest in a compressor after all. Tell me more about ur compressor and its reliability and u said u never got any oil in the filter.
This is a genius idea!! I in my mind thought you had to have a booster pump. Never realised our normal compressor will work too. So simple. Normal welding regulator reduces e pressure p!um into air inlet. Wow ! I too can easily source low pressure nitrogen and helium 2000 psi. I'm comfortable with the price and working on the small yong heng type compressor. I am so thankful to all of my smarter and more experienced friends on airgun nation 😀
I have surprised a lot of people with this very simple setup, its probably cheaper to do this than all the filters and stuff others use to try and get dri air.

Everyone thinks that dive shop and breathing air is very dry but thats just not true, at one point in my industrial/medical gas work we tried making "breathing Air by reconstitution

IE 21% pure dry oxygen 79% pure dry nitrogen should be the perfect Breathing air but you know what, It was too dry people's respritory systems got too dry.. So we went back to using expensive air compressors and filters to get any contaminants out for grade "D" breathing air

You asked about compressor reliability my GX-CS2 has 11.8 hrs on it the only grease I've found was after 8 hrs I cleaned out the port on the underside that feed the outlet block and bleed screw and had very little in there. There is a little filter in the gauge line block that has never had any oil/grease show up in it, and of course no water ;>)...

The other thing that helps these live is NO OXYGEN that is the enemy of all compressed air systems as it oxidizes all it touches causes oil to break down orings to rot and detonation in our guns and compressors no oxygen no combustion no extreme sudden heat.

My other compressor is for filling my 6.8l tank it a Tuxing Twin TXEDm041 no auto anything not even enclosed got the bare version had a welding cart from HF that holds it well. 

I'll try and get a picture of that setup later tonight. When I tried to use it to fill guns directly it less than a minute for the Marauder, a minute ten seconds for the Avenger at that point I didn't even try on the Prod or Beeman, probably wouldn't have been able to turn it off fast enough

That is an intriguing design I just don't see how it keeps them separated completely can you post a picture of what your doing. This could be the long term solution to these small cheap china compressors if they live as long as they claim. They take to long for a quick gun fill but for bottles it might be worth it sure must keep your shop compressor running at a high duty cycle.

Very interesting setup. So just by using my $100 tire/shop compressor, I can feed it into the booster or intensifier unit which in turn will fill a 4500psi tank. Using nitrogen instead of air then is even better as I can feed low pressure nitrogen to the compressor then to the intensifier and the to my tank or gun. Damn this is neat. How much for the intensifer?