I shoot USPSA almost exclusively now, but when I shot both, the top dogs at steel were the very same individuals that were top at USPSA. (This was before steel was absorbed by USPSA, so there weren't really classifications for steel.) But under the right conditions I can see how the aforementioned could happen - if your USPSA matches have a hard 'tilt' toward easy targets, it's easy to get sloppy. OTOH, there are always steel stages that demand (relative) accuracy.In the time I ran steel challenge matches I never once saw a uspsa shooter shoot better then 2 classes below their uspsa classification at a SC match. That goes for uspsa grand masters too. Uspsa Masters would shoot B level scores in steel challenge, Grand Masters would top out at A level in SC. A class...C class SC. They poo pooed SC a lot, though. I'll probably skip the frustration of reading the link...haha.
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