Air tank regulator

I use an Aqua Environment model # 415


I also used to fill my guns....
Or you could do it all with one fill valve for less than $60.
Not Really practical.....
Running full 4500psi tank connected directly to my PCP for extended bench testing of new parts.....Nope don't Want a BOOM here....
Filling my airgun unattended, also I always do a slow fill on my guns..... Don't NEED another Boom here.....
So I keep my reg... and suggested to anyone that is interested in doing it right......
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Not Really practical.....
Running full 4500psi tank connected directly to my PCP for extended bench testing of new parts.....Nope don't a BOOM here....
Filling my airgun unattended, also I always slow fill my guns..... Don't another Boom here.....
So I keep my reg... and suggested to anyone that is interested in doing it right......
I’d love to hear the gory details of these booms !
Not Really practical.....
Running full 4500psi tank connected directly to my PCP for extended bench testing of new parts.....Nope don't Want a BOOM here....
Filling my airgun unattended, also I always do a slow fill on my guns..... Don't NEED another Boom here.....
So I keep my reg... and suggested to anyone that is interested in doing it right......
Regulated fill valve, no BOOM.

Never found the need to slow fill. I've found orings in the one way that had to be replaced when filling off a tank.
Maybe no Boomy connecting my gun to a plain valve on the bench for extended testing session.
But Using a reg, I can leave it tethered, valve open, and set to desired sweet spot....The whole reason of testing..

Slow Fill.... I don't like inducing or over-heating my bottles... especially Carbon fiber ones
Also it is a pain having to top them off after they cool
I have one of those regulated valves and I use it on a buddy bottle dedicated to filling my target pistol. Honestly, I would not want it on my main tanks as I would not want to keep resetting it for different guns, especially my Huben that can take more pressure than I can feed it anyways.

I think it would be fine on a bottle dedicated to regulated use with minimal different settings - preferably none like I do with mine. Otherwise, I thin an inline regulator is a better option - especially if you have only one main tank and multiple guns.

It would be nice to have a regulator that allows for changes on the fly, but I am good with the set up I have with the Karakusher regulator for most tethering sessions, as it saved me so much money.
I have one of those regulated valves and I use it on a buddy bottle dedicated to filling my target pistol. Honestly, I would not want it on my main tanks as I would not want to keep resetting it for different guns, especially my Huben that can take more pressure than I can feed it anyways.

I think it would be fine on a bottle dedicated to regulated use with minimal different settings - preferably none like I do with mine. Otherwise, I thin an inline regulator is a better option - especially if you have only one main tank and multiple guns.

It would be nice to have a regulator that allows for changes on the fly, but I am good with the set up I have with the Karakusher regulator for most tethering sessions, as it saved me so much money.
I use them as tethers. Gun never drops below my set pressure. I have one set for 2200psi mostly for unregulated guns. One set for 2800psi for the regulated guns. 3 foot extension hose and hours of making holes in paper.