Air Venturi 4500 psi compressor issue


Yo, could you stop spamming op's thread with your useless crap, my mom once said, if you dont have shyt to say that is helpful to others. Don't say it.

To op. The first thing to look for when its not building pressure is leaks. Even the smallest leak will prevent it from building pressure. Check all lines. Turn the compressor on and stop it. Listen to hissing. Look at the guage. Is pressure dropping? If there is no leaks and pressure doesn't drop. It can be the high piston rings. You have to take the cylinder heads and replace the high piston rings. It should come in a kit with the compressor.

The av compressor aint bad. I have the hatsan lighting which is basically the same compressor for 2 years and its still running fine. All compressor will have a problem with it, doesn't make it bad. Even a $2000 daystate have issues with it too.
I had the same thing happen with an Omega ... cracked piston. But 2F2F could easily be right about the air leaking. The majority of leaks would most likely be around the compressor's fill hose, your fill hose, the gauges, the fill tank, damage to the burst disk .. but a leak could pop up just about anywhere. I know ... they are a PIA, just take your time and you'll probably find it. If it is an air leak it is probably pretty big to be leaking at only 500 psi. When I had leaks they would usually stop building pressure around 3500 psi. Hope this helps.

Good Luck


Thanks guys for the info....Going to check it out today and see what I can find.

Worse case it is under warranty but don't want to deal with shipping etc. if I don't have to!!

I have a rebuild kit sans seals so will start there!! 

Luckily the nitrogen tank was swapped a few days ago so have air AND a day off so hoping to be able to get out between rain drops today if the honey do list doesn't get added to!!

I have the DayState 110v at the cabin and honestly have had more issues with that one than this one!!