Air Venturi 4500 psi compressor issue

It is definitely strong suction!

At least it is building pressure now....even 1700 or so PSI is far more than it was before so hoping tomorrow when I have some time I can get it wrapped up...

I am guessing I have a small leak somewhere that I need to chase down but at least feel like I have made some progress!

Thanks again all for the tips and tricks.....Couldn't have gotten this far without your help!
You have a gage that reads the pressure, therefore it has to have an air line or hose attached to that, like it is on the lightning compressor. Check those connections. 

Have you addressed the check valves? Reason I ask is there’s a tread similar to the situation you are currently at now- builds pressure but still not high enough, and it turned out to be the check valve spring he changed out. There usually is a check valve directly on where the air line leaves the second stage high pressure head, and also somewhere by the fill hose block, or somewhere after the filter tower.