Aire Tex

Need info on Aire Tex experiences that folks here may want to share. Their web site doesn't seem to have a lot of information - or I just don't know how to navigate it. Ditto with the search function here.

Am an old coot (70) but have worked as a PADI/NAUI Divemaster for a lot of years and am also certified as a mixed gas blender. My airgun tanks are 3700 steelies and a 4500 AirHog. All have K-Valves. So I am looking for a compressor to feed these tanks. Most everything I see is DIN with adapters for DIN tanks or Fosters for rifles. AT seems to cater to what I know and use.

If anyone has experience with these systems, I would appreciate advice. Also, does JB do K-Valve stuff? Am interested in a Bauer Jr. or similar. Many THX.
Airetex used to sell Alkin compressors from Turkey built to their specifications. They now import a Bauer Jr. II clone which is getting good reviews and sells for much less than the Bauer. Bruce Dobson is one of the most knowledgeable and reputable men in the industry.

It is simple to convert your DIN 300 fill hose connection for use filling a tank with a K valve. Just get an adapter like this one. It screws onto your DIN connector and converts it for use with K valves. Here's an affordable one I found. There are lots of compressor dealers that sell similar adapters.