N/A Airforce Condor VS FX Crown

Very different guns.
The Crown will have a magazine and a much better trigger along with more refinement and better ergonomics, but will likely not have the power of a Condor. Definitely not as much as a Texan. Both are capable of excellent accuracy. If you know anyone with one or can get a chance to shoot one, you definitely should.
Even when I'm not a fx guy .. I really have not heard anything bad especially of the mk2 which have better barrel support..4 screws 2 on each side .. used they go for not to much $1,200+ usually well taken care of .. the one my friend purchased Even come with a chassis..and it shoots great .. I really enjoy my AF .. but a magazine feed pcp would always be my preferred shoice..unless I want to shoot heavy lead, then only AF would do that way better than most pcp , using a external regulator..
I had a Condor .25 and a Crown .25 and the Crown outperformed the Condor at 100 yards.
Not by a lot, but it was definitely more accurate than the Condor.
I like the Crown much more, as already mentioned the trigger is much better on the Crown.
I sold both of them and now have a Crown in .30 caliber that has a heavier hammer and it gets 78 FPE with the 44.8 grain pellet, lots of power and great accuracy too.
I love the Crown, great rifle in my opinion.
I’ve have a Crown and had an Air Force. The Crown is 10x better. Who had a bad review of the Crown?
Not 10x no. But ok you prefer the Crown. I love my European guns too and they are better made than my Condor. Don't misunderstand. I just don't see ever spending $2000.00 on any thing that shoots. Maybe when gas gets to $10.00 I'll reconsider. ;)
I only use condors for heavy lead.. because up to this point there's is no mag fed gun that could shoot a .22 cal 62gr bullet at 1000fps with a 3100 psi fill.. that is why I have 2 condors in 257 one for light lead the other for heavy lead .. 1 in .30 and 1 in .224 .. would I purchased a AF to shoot pellets NOP .. by the time you could make them shoot almost as good as a crown.. with the money you have spend..you could have ended with 2 great shooting used crowns or 2 taipans etc .. even though I love my AF you could be sure that if the day come that I could shoot , 62gr in .224 or 100gr in 257.from a mag feed regulated bullpub..they all be gone in a second..😄😄
The hype is real. As long as you get a good one, anyhow. Mine was made before they started getting massive amounts of orders. Overall fit and finish of it is supurb. Handling, performance, balance, accuracy.... supurb. This one is a short barreled MK1 continuum, .22. Usually hunt with it shooting 16gr AA domes, or 16gr hades @960fps. Only ever taken headshots on greys, all DRT. One shot, one and done. Out to 70 yards. I've had it shooting 1/2 moa or better @100 yards with 36gr .218 BT slugs out of the 700mm barrel @65fpe. But the extra power, and length are just a bit over the top for me. Much prefer the shorter barrel. And the lighter pellets do the job just the same. Usually I'm taking shots around 25-45 yards. So, high power, and slugs are actually overkill in my case. In fact, %95 of the time, I have this gun turned all the way down to 16fpe. Only when I go hunting does it really get turned all the way up.

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