Tuning AirForce Top Hat Broke

I had just finished tweaking the Condor SS and the pressure was down to about 2000 psi. So I decided to fire a few more shots for fun. I got off about 5-6 shots when, on the last shot, the slug stayed in the barrel and the tank dumped all of the pressure.

I discovered that the rear part of the top hat assembly cracked. Please see the attached photos.

I sent an e-mail to AirForce. Hopefully they can send me another part quickly.

That top hat assembly has always been a source of frustration for me. The darn thing is always loosening up and I have to tighten everything back up again.

I'm thinking of putting some Vibra-Tite on the threads of the valve stem after I get the new part so everything stays secure. I haven't experienced this problem with the TalonP - YET.

The set screws that held the top hat on the Talon SS kept loosening. So put Vibra-Tite on them and they have stayed in place ever since.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, what are your thoughts.

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Take a look at this one from Tony at Talon tunes..

I would guess you just have a defective part. I wouldn't use any locktite of any kind. Just make sure you use the o-ring and lock them down real good. You cant just snug them up. 

I've called Airforce about a replacement part on a new gun I purchased. Had the piece in my hands in 4 or 5 days, no charge. They were great.

I called AirForce and asked about the quick change top hat. The customer support representative said that would void the warranty.

On the other hand, she said that I could put blue loc title on the threads to keep the top hat pieces in place.

I asked her about using Vibr-Tite. She had never heard of it. After I explained it to her, she said it would be okay to use.
There should be an o-ring sandwiched between the two halves of the top hat that keeps it from coming loose. Did yours have that?

That's been so long ago that I cannot remember if I installed an o-ring or not. Either way, there is an o-ring there now. I also put vibra-tite on the threads and haven't had a problem since then.
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I called AirForce and asked about the quick change top hat. The customer support representative said that would void the warranty.

On the other hand, she said that I could put blue loc title on the threads to keep the top hat pieces in place.

I asked her about using Vibr-Tite. She had never heard of it. After I explained it to her, she said it would be okay to use.
This is the first I have heard of Vibe-Tite too. I asume it is a loctite clone.