Airgun Calibers: From .177 to .50 and Beyond - What's Your Pick?

.22 for me as I only own .22's now. Reason is ammo is the same price as .177 and there are a plethora of pellets and slugs to choose from. Suits my needs for plinking/target and for the small game/pests. If I lived on acreage, a .30 would also be in my stable.
...basically same here..., make that EXACTLY the same here, LOL.
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My favorite caliber for now lol Is the .22 in a very versatile /adjustable platform . I am currently able to shoot in tight areas up close without pass threw and 12 foot pounds or less haha, or anything under 120 yards or so depending upon the target and up to 70 foot pounds . If I was not able to achieve this massive variety of uses in one pcp then my number one favorite caliber would change for sure. As a matter of fact I would not be able to chose just one caliber but would have to go with 2 calibers to suit my needs lol.

I personally have no desire to see an increase in the very large calibers myself. I personaly wish they would have quit at lets say .45 cal .. anything bigger just use a firearm and keep in mind I consider a .45 cal and the .35 cal more in the archery range/side of things lol. Speaking in terms of bigger game I think of it as if It was archery hunting. As in precision shooting, extreme patience , and closer ranges lol. That is just me and what I prefer to reference it with at this time. Others may feel very different about it and I am ok with agreeing to disagree no problem haha.
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First of all, I’m a target shooter. I don’t hunt. My favorite calibers are .177 and .22. I shoot up to 50 yds with the .177 and 100 yds with the .22.

I do have barrels in .25 and .30 but rarely use them. The .25 is hard to get accuracy from, but I wish it were better, and I would likely use it more for long range. The .30 is good for 100 yds, but the .22 is just as good in my experience, so I don’t use it much. Pellets are spendy as well.
what gun are you using the .25 and .30 barrels on....
.22 seems to be the most versatile caliber out there.....

It can do both power extremes well — from low power barn shots — to high power slugs shots to 100y.

.22cal gets even more versatile — when you prefer short bullpups over long long-rifles:
To get a medium weight pellet to 900fps in a 500mm barrel seems to be less effort for the gun in .22cal than in .25cal.

.22cal gets even more versatile —
when you prefer quiet stealthy kill shots:
More power than .177cal for killing, but quieter than .25cal.

🔶 Just recently I've committed myself to the jump from .22cal to .25cal — and I am underwhelmed by the .25cal performance:
▪ My .25 is way louder than my .22cal.
▪ The .25 with Polymags does not produce kill pops on pigeons that are much louder than my .22cal with domes.
▪ The .25 does not produce more spectacular kills than my .22cal.

Of course, your mileage may vary. This has been mine so far.....

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.22 is the most useful and cheap if you use crosmans ... if you have something particular your after, larger than squirrel, id skip right to 9mm .. anything over .22 isnt a plinker imo and ammo isnt cheap .35/9mm does anything a 25/30 does better .. of course if your after large game like deer hogs etc id say a .45/50 would be a good investment .. .177 is ok to plink or small pest but its no cheaper than .22 and .22 hits harder .. as far as high power and slugs, why? why slug a 17/22 and use a couple grand gun to do the job of a .35? pretty pointless imo .. making it harder than it has to be lol
I have grown fond of big bores, 30-35 suit my needs. I hunt coyotes, woodchucks and raccoons. I do like 25 cal but, 30 cal will do it better,lol performance wise, other than getting a sight picture again because of the kick that you don't get from the small bores, nothing. I do shoot tethered, hunting and just shooting targets. What I have seen from the different calibers is: More power means the use of more air. As far as brands go, from right out of the box power wise, AEA and as far as the complete package out of the box, Airforce Texan, Both AEA Challenger big bore standard 357 and Airforce Texan 308 have served me well as for the Air Venturi Avenger in 25 I did have. I can't see any larger calibers be made but i do see them making them better, more powerful using less air. Just all-over better quality. I'm just waiting until the Government starts to put the hammer down one way or another. I am a hunter/target shooter.

The .30 cal. You can shoot benchrest 50 to 100 yds. Pop sparrows, tree rats and coke cans @ 100. Need a yote or fox smoked @ 75 yds, done. Targets @ 200 yds very doable. Works for me. Your mileage may vary. Raw hm1000x .30 cal

View attachment 362291
Wow, what a piece of wood. Is that a custom made stock ?
It really doesn't matter to me which gun from 177 up to 50 cal they are a hoot! But they tend to be niche guns in the stable. I removed several hundred squirrels over a two to three year stretch. Most all those were taken with the three smaller cals. I honestly haven't had the umph to pursue quarry that requires the 30, 357, 457 or 50. Have permission to remove some yotes on private property, need to do it. Nothing like aiming 115 yards down range and exploding soda cans!
I mostly have .177 as it works well, easy to find and cost effective. I have some .22’s because I liked the gun, a .20 because I wanted a specific Blue Streak, and two Gauntlets in .25 just because I wanted to try that caliber. Anything bigger is a powder burner. I mostly punch holes in targets and cans and leave pest control to the raptors who live here and are very effective.

Rick H.
Not in today's PCP world, a .177 shoot no flatter then a .357 I'm afraid,......those comments are a remnance of the old days with springers
Even with springers, it's still just a question of velocity, mass, frontal area and BC. A .20 still isn't going to hit as hard as a. 22 with the same velocity. 5mm just happened to be a happy medium for springers of a certain power level.
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For my type of shooting, hunting, and pesting the .22 and .25 are pretty much interchangeable.
Starlings, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, and possums in the fall. Plenty of these have met their demise with both from my rifles.
I'm currently using a .22 due to a mishap with my .25. I honestly haven't noticed a difference going back to the .22.
My shots are mostly under 50 yards and usually 35 and under.
I was anxious to replace my .25 cal but am currently enjoying the shot numbers and sound of the .22. The critters end up just as dead with both.
I will say that I've been more able to get consistent slug accuracy from a .25.
22 is all I need for what I do inside of 20 yards in my backyard, which is mostly Raccoons. It would be cool to get .25 or .30 but they are going to eat more air, make more noise, and I don't gain anything. Any other hunting for bigger game, when once in a blue we get to actually do some, I use a centerfire rifle. But I cannot legally fire one in my backyard.
With airguns I tend to see caliber as just a continuum where there is no ideal size. If you want more energy and less wind drift then you want something larger or heavier. If you want more shots per charge, lower costs, less noise or lower power, then smaller is better.

Personally, I like .177, .22 and .30 the best. .22 is a good all rounder, cheap to shoot, suitable for small game and with an excellent shot count in pcps. I like .177 in springers up to 16 fpe or thereabouts. It's even cheaper than .22 and flies flatter in those kinds of guns. .30 is my heavy hitter caliber, but I've yet to try anything bigger.

I've got a few .25's as well and I've got nothing against the caliber, but it just seems like everything a .25 can do a .22 or a .30 can do better. For target practice the .22 is cheaper, quieter and gets more shots per charge and for hunting the .30 hits harder.

The one caliber I don't have and don't intend on getting is .20. I don't hunt with springers anymore and I doubt I will want to spring for a vintage Sheridan.