N/A Airgun Idiocy

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Who would have thought Mike Judge could predict the future.

As for the video, I seen it the other day. Absolutely stupid and I UNSUBBED his channel after that. Same as I did Edgun Leshiy (Tim's) channel after he started shooting squirrels with tannerite pellets and using air rifles on human ballistic targets.
Who would have thought Mike Judge could predict the future.

As for the video, I seen it the other day. Absolutely stupid and I UNSUBBED his channel after that. Same as I did Edgun Leshiy (Tim's) channel after he started shooting squirrels with tannerite pellets and using air rifles on human ballistic targets.

Any PCP pressure vessel getting shot with a .556 is gonna fail! It doest’t matter where it was made but anyway!
You missed my point completely. If anything that holds that pressure ever fails, it’s gonna become a grenade or a rocket.

So more for you I guess. I won’t risk it. Not with the cheapest hunk of Chinesium I can get.
Posted two months ago - has 45,000 views so I'm guessin' he made some money bein' stoooopid!
As someone who does youtube for a living I can assure you that 45k views on a short like this is not exactly a goldmine. We are talking a few bucks.

Shorts are more or less for exposure and not much else. You'd have to get tens of millions of views on a short to start making soms decent money.

Here's one of my shorts, which currently has close to 40k views. It made around 5 bucks, haha.
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