Airgun Ports and Efficiency


Mar 18, 2023
What is airgun efficiency? It's calculated based on shot count obtained within a specified pressure range at the average energy over said pressure range. How can we manipulate efficiency?

Efficiency is directly tied to many things, from barrel length, to plenum volume, however the most crucial, and the one I'll discuss briefly is port diameter. Efficiency in itself is a non-linear bell curve, meaning at plateau (peak obtainable fps) it'll be at or near its lowest efficiency, and as you detune / reduce the power of an airgun, the efficiency will climb, that is until you reduce power so much, efficiency will stagnate and then decline due to other losses overcoming the reduction of air being released, primarily, projectile to bore friction, and projectile break away friction.

The further from plateau (peak fps) you tune a gun, the more efficient on air it becomes. Plateau is decided by many factors, but the critical one being discussed which can easily be manipulated via a velocity metering screw, a quarter turn valve, a drill bit, or rotary tool, is the port diameter.

This means, that a .22 cal ported to 70% of bore @ .154" will be less efficient at ANY equal or less power level compared to another otherwise equal .22 cal ported to 85% of the bore @ .187", however, if tuned to its plateau, the 85% bore ported .22 cal will begin to consume more air, as its Mass Flow Rate increases and loss always outpaces gains in efficiency the more energy you attempt to extract from a given airgun.

This does NOT mean your average user should go full bore porting, or even close, without extensive knowledge of an airguns limitations, from loading a pellet without causing damage, to what other obstruction in the system may limit the port diameter equivalency at that particular section of airway.

The caveat to de-tuning further and further from your plateau, is that fps from shot to shot (extreme spread) will likely increase without some sort of mitigation (valve lift limiter, and valve balancing via closing force/opening force ie valve spring/hammer spring balance), due primarily to variance in reg pressure from shot to shot, be it 1-2 bar or even .5 bar, from minor shifts in the energy produced by your hammer strike be it from surface quality, angle of gun, and even sear disengagement inconsistency.

There are two ways (that I am aware of) to calculate efficiency, thermal, and volumetric, however if you were to graph both, the change in efficiency would appear identical. So identical structure, just different numbers which represent said structure, or plots.

Volumetric efficiency is commonly expressed as fpe/ci (or for some, joules/cc), where as thermal efficiency is simply seen as a % value of energy obtained from the overall energy released. Most airguns operate around 25-30% thermal efficiency when tuned well, which translates to approximately 1.3-1.6 fpe/ci.

However, when tuned to absolute plateau, or peak fps, the efficiency is generally .9-1 fpe/ci, or 15-18% thermal efficiency. The difference in power from a 1 fpe/ci tune compared to a 1.3 fpe/ci tune is marginal, between 5-10%, however the difference is efficiency in 30%, meaning you only have to sacrifice around 5% of your plateau to potentially increase your shot count by upwards of 30%. This not only increases efficiency, but also tames the shot cycle, as you will notice less recoil due less air being lost when exiting your well as less overall energy being initially released into the bore.

This means that, if you plateau at 35 fpe, you're ejecting around 233 FPE through your valve, however, most of this energy is lost thermally before the projectile absorbs it, and the remainder is ejected from the barrel as the pellet outpaces it. Insane right? Even when tuned efficiently at 30% thermally, you are losing around 82 fpe and ejecting a total of 117.

The difference in 117 fpe being released from an airgun valve and 233 is, a lot, and there is without a shred of doubt, every single shooter will notice the difference between the two tunes.

Food for thought. Hope you enjoyed the read and have yourself a great day!

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Very interesting and something I've been pondering. Thanks for posting!

Is there a target port diameter relative to bore diameter to maximize efficiency? Does this change with FPE target (I assume yes)? How much energy range is in a particular guns max efficiency curve? How far off are the shoulders of the bell curve/ how broad is the peak?

What does this mean for the efficiency when folks are chasing FPE and pushing a gun to its max? Are they loosing so much efficiency as to effect projectile consistency? Would they be better served to port their gun in addition to all the hammer weight and hammer spring shenanigans?

Am I at 20 q's yet?
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Is there a target port diameter to maximize efficiency?
Yes, this would be as close to equivalent of full bore porting through the entire airway or slightly over to obtain 'maximum obtainable efficiency' in an airgun. Anything less is limiting efficiency potential.

Does this change with FPE target (I assume yes)?
No, it would not change with FPE target. A .177 aiming for maximum shot count would still benefit from full bore porting, be it at 10 fpe or 40 fpe, however inconsistent shot to shot fps may present itself in a poorly built system with full bore porting only shooting at 10 fpe.

How much energy range is in a particular guns max efficiency curve?
Depends how you define such curve, but for peak efficiency which is around 2.4-2.5 fpe/ci or so, the energy range is very small, and a gun tuned like this will be making very modest power very far from its peak energy / plateau.

How far off are the shoulders of the bell curve/ how broad is the peak?
Peak what, fps or efficiency, and which curve, plateau or efficiency?

What does this mean for the efficiency when folks are chasing FPE and pushing a gun to its max? Are they loosing so much efficiency as to effect projectile consistency? Would they be better served to port their gun in addition to all the hammer weight and hammer spring shenanigans?

Very likely, although no answer here could be static, depends on barrel length and other factors. However, in most cases, when pushing a gun to the absolute plateau, it is very likely they're sacrificing accuracy down range, however, you will likely have the most consistent shot to shot fps tuned here, as well as a potentially violent shot cycle.

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Now in the most simplest, shortest (and imo boring) explanation...

  • Larger ports experience less pressure drop across their orifices in nominal settings. (no pellet base sees absolute plenum pressure, even with an infinitely large plenum). (However there is an increase is pressure loss from increased volume within the transfer pathways which should be outweighed by the increase of mass flow rate improvement)
  • This allows the valve to close sooner relative to the pellets position in the barrel
  • Which translates to shorter dwells, ejecting more mass of air punching the pellet within a shorter (or identical) period of time, thus increasing efficiency (or power).

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So it is the one OR the other, not both.

Generally speaking, most truths can be broken when taken to certain extremes, such is why Newtonian mechanics work great in large objects but completely falls apart at a molecular/quantum level, to where you enter quantum mechanics.

If you're increasing power via increasing port diameter, you're generally decreasing efficiency measured by fpe/ci in exchange for more energy output.

However, if you're increasing power via plenum volume, plenum pressure, or barrel length, you could certainly improve efficiency of the system while increasing power.

How does this relate to just getting a radius on the exit into the barrel and proper alignment of the ports. I would assume much like porting and polishing an Intake Manifold that the smoother the transition, might also increase the flow and decrease the pressure. I think I remember someone saying if you have a Turbocharged motor, there would be little difference in Pressure but an increase in volume if you port and polish the heads and intake manifold.

I'm not the smartest brick in the wall, but there is some glimmer of light as evidenced by the Brick/bulb example. :ROFLMAO:

How does this relate to just getting a radius on the exit into the barrel and proper alignment of the ports. I would assume much like porting and polishing an Intake Manifold that the smoother the transition, might also increase the flow and decrease the pressure. I think I remember someone saying if you have a Turbocharged motor, there would be little difference in Pressure but an increase in volume if you port and polish the heads and intake manifold.

I'm not the smartest brick in the wall, but there is some glimmer of light as evidenced by the Brick/bulb example. :ROFLMAO:


Porting quality is seen as a Co-efficient of discharge. The bolt probe being present in the pathway versus one that is not present in the pathway greatly effects this, as well as the stem present in the throat, and the angles/transitions from throat to transfer port, to barrel.

The increase in volume a turbocharged engine would see with a good port/polish is the "Mass air flow rate" that I discussed in another thread. Good correlation on your part. :)

Porting quality is seen as a Co-efficient of discharge. The bolt probe being present in the pathway versus one that is not present in the pathway greatly effects this, as well as the stem present in the throat, and the angles/transitions from throat to transfer port, to barrel.

The increase in volume a turbocharged engine would see with a good port/polish is the "Mass air flow rate" that I discussed in another thread. Good correlation on your part. :)

I would further assume that elongating the transition along the barrel axis to smooth the flow would help without much change in the port area.

Possibly, in theory it should.

The two concerns with the 'transfer plenum' is the height (fighting gravity) and the 'wasted volume', meaning the more volume present that isn't necessary, only contributes to pressure loss as high pressure mixes with low pressure.

My spreadsheet simplifies calculating transfer port waste volume (in cc's) by using your port diameter, and multiplying it three times, as this would be in line with a very efficiently ported system (coincidentally the values translate, ie: port diameter*3 to cc/volume of that system), because in a typical pcp you have 3 transitions, throat, transfer port exit, then barrel, and all should be equal to your port diameter with the exception of a thousandths here or there. I also have an area to input a custom value too. Testing this with multiple users pcp's has proven very fruitful and accurate. Just the other day, @sb327 asked me privately to estimate his Noto's FPS with 25.4's given his set of data...and I arrived at 976 fps. He said cool, he is getting 970. A day later I asked him about certainty on a specific value and we concluded it was slightly off, and once corrected, my spreadsheet spit out...970 FPS, exactly what he's achieving. No coincidence there, my spreadsheet is quite accurate when the data entered is.

Airforce axial valves put out a tad more power than non-axial valves because they eliminate the transfer port height, and one transitional area, thus less 'wasted volume' or low pressure area for high pressure to mix with...their power gains aren't substantial but also not deniable.

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Another simplified explanation in case the point wasn't made clear.

As I stated at most pcps plateaus, their volumetric efficiency is generally .9-1 fpe/ci...(this number actually gets incredibly low if you keep reducing the port diameter..)

Lets produce a theoretical gun.

.22 cal, 25cc plenum volume, 2000 psi regulated, 19.5" barrel length, shooting 25.4's...ported 70% of bore. This tune ejects 888 MG of air.

Its peak FPS with a 18.1 gr is roughly 919 fps, at .83 FPE/CI....or .0536 fpe per mg

Now, what happens, if we port this gun to .198", or 90% of the bore...

It's peak climbs to 985 FPS, and its efficiency at this peak is .94 FPE/CI. This tune ejects 986 MG of air.....0.555 fpe per mg.

So we already increased efficiency, however its using more air. So in a sense, more of an air hog that will produce less shots, but also more efficient at using the air released.

But wait, there is more, what if we detune this gun with .198" porting back down to 919 fps? In theory its efficiency sky rockets, upwards of 1.3-1.5 FPE/Ci...thus proving just how impactful port diameter effects efficiency. So slight correction to myself earlier, larger ports should always be more efficient volumetrically/thermally per the air released, however not shot count wise, which is another dimension of efficiency one can consider.

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