Yes, I wanna do THAT!!
Sounds great, shooting old cars and junk!
Especially, since in my neck of the woods the lawgivers frown upon airguns shooting anything bigger than bunnies, so no BigBore-BigGame hunting....

One detail I remember from Bob Sterne's posts: Just like there is a BC or drag number for a projectile going through air — so is there a type of
"flesh BC" — the drag or slipperiness of a projectile going through flesh.
So, if you are afraid you might not get enough penetration — make sure you have a high BC projectile.
But even if you have a semi-wadcutter shape with a pretty bad BC — if it's one of those monster slugs weighing "half a ton" and if your're slinging it at 900fps — then that might not make a difference:
The semi-WC is just going to push through flesh due to it's extremely high energy (momentum).