Airguns That You Broke, Received Broken, or Just Broke and You Never Fixed

Is the air leaking around a fill probe or does it just not go into the gun? My SPA fill probes leak sometimes but a little silicone grease on the O-rings of the fill probe normally fix that. (The Caiman probe is noticably better made and has not been an issue at all so far) If the gun just won't take air it may be the O-ring that acts as a one way valve. I am assuming that is what your gun may have. On my P35s this O-ring has to be replaced on several guns but that is super easy once the gun is degassed and the big nut is off the end of the airtube. Regardless on how your gun does the one way valve for filling it is likely the issue if it won't take air.
Is the air leaking around a fill probe or does it just not go into the gun? My SPA fill probes leak sometimes but a little silicone grease on the O-rings of the fill probe normally fix that. (The Caiman probe is noticably better made and has not been an issue at all so far) If the gun just won't take air it may be the O-ring that acts as a one way valve. I am assuming that is what your gun may have. On my P35s this O-ring has to be replaced on several guns but that is super easy once the gun is degassed and the big nut is off the end of the airtube. Regardless on how your gun does the one way valve for filling it is likely the issue if it won't take air.
I checked all of those things. It won't let the air in. I have the almost exact copy that Wes used to sell and tried exchanging parts and that didn't help either. I have repaired several other guns including 2 Brococks for filler problems and this is a different setup altogether. There is a ball bearing and a bronze bead filter type thing to slow the fill.
I got an old Crosman 101 from my father when I was 14. Having been used in a saltwater environment (Curaçao) and never being cared for it was in rough shape.

I gave it an overhaul and used it extensively for a couple of years repairing parts and replacing seals as needed. After many thousands of shots, the 101 was put aside while I went on to rimfires, centerfires and a FWB 124.

Since I'm retired and have rediscovered airguns, I overhauled the Crosman 101 again and got it shooting, sorta. I've had to face the fact, with all the moving parts being so rattly-loose, that the old pumper is totally worn out.

I won't say that I've given up on the Crosman 101, it just deserves to rest quietly. I take it out once in a while, knock over a couple of cans and reminisce over all the great hunts we had.

My first "real" gun, my 60 year old Slavia 618 has been refinished, respringed and resealed as well. It also gets regular love and attention.

What a contrast these old guns are when compared to my modern PCPs. I enjoy them all!

I bought a pile of different model Mendoza's back in the early 90s... restored a bunch but one is still in process and the last 3 are waiting. Two of the last three are the Magnum model, both in 22 and had been modified to fire a 22 rimfire cartridge but I've no evidence that it was attempted. The tubes are welded up now but I need to set back the barrels... so more welding...
The last one is a Competencia as well as the one in process... they're my favorite of my springers.
I was given a challenge to re-seal a Sweet 16 which was a precharged mag fed rifle that the 8 round mags were fastened together and you shot 8 and flipped it over to shoot the other 8. Can't remember the brand but it was THE biggest pos engineering wise that I've ever touched. The number of orings was staggering and some were actually staked in place plus had some tubing for air transfer from one location to another. I DID get it apart and installed new orings except for the staked ones but still had a slow leak upon testing... Not sure what happened to it after that but I wouldn't consider owning or working on one now...
I still have in mind making a pin valve for my Cros 140 to replace that weak cap valve but for the moment, it's not on the bench...
Quite a few other projects in mind but no actual airguns other than the 4 mentioned earlier...
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Hatsan Jet 1. 25 cal. Was super fun to shoot if you can ignore all the flyers.
I've got a Jet2 and my biggest gripe with it is the limited shot count. If I were motivated enough I'd tune it to around 12 fpe and try to create a shot curve. As it is, it's around 20 fpe and it just loses velocity with every shot. It's another one of those Hatsan guns that could have been really good if they'd just spent 20% more on it and done things right.
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Always wanted a 10m SSP rifle. Picked up a super clean Diana D100 gen 1 at an air gun show years ago. Had a friend in Germany send me a piston & breech seal ( Which is pretty much all you can get )
Serviced and freshened it up ... Only to have Poppet seat be a leaker, tried & tried to get it sealed via many miens & mods having nothing work !!! It sits as a safe jester ( No queen here ) being totally useless and a complete waste of money and time.
I traded an Art knife for a minty FWB 601 that sat unused by the previous owner for who knows how long. I got it in the mail and a few shots later it wouldn't hold air anymore. I brought it to AOA and they fixed it.

Had a FX Revolution that continued to have problems so I kept bringing it back to AOA. I complained after the 3rd time so they got me into a 1st gen FX Royale. That FX Royale worked great for a decade then -
Hassle #1, it got all rusted up in a case that I won at a raffle!
Hassel #2, then it started leaking shortly afterwards. I cleaned it up some but was so disgusted with the whole thing I put the gun in a corner for years.
Hassle #3, last year I got motivated and replaced most of the 0-rings but it still leaked, grrr, so it sat in the corner until a few weeks ago when -
Hassle #4, I found the 0-rings in the reg were ruined too.
Hassle #5$ I ordered a Huma Reg and got it installed, actually not hard to do at all -
Hassle #6, but I had lost a delrin washer at the fill port somehow so it still leaked, lol?! A friendly guy was nice enough to make one for me so I was finally back in action.
Hassle #7, then I noticed there was rust dust coming out of the holes on the side of the action and near the trigger, lol. I watched a video on how to take out the trigger, did that, also took out the hammer, cocker, etc, and scrubbed everything up so that the white rag pieces I was using were coming out pretty clean.
Hassle #8, then while in the process somehow managed to push the valving out onto the floor while getting to everything in the hard to reach places, GRRR.
Hassle #9, then I put the valving back in wrong because I didn't see how it was supposed to go in, LOL, so I had to find another video showing how that all goes in.
I know how to take the whole darn gun apart now!
The GOOD, I think I'm a more patient, and a more persevering person, than I used to be and the gun currently works "I think"?! We'll see soon I guess once I get some nice weather.

There's been other problem airguns I've had but my post is already too long.
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FWB sport.....

Repaired airguns for my local RFD for a while and had one come in for a reseal. One minute all was fine, next minute noticed the trigger was in two pieces.....and they're unobtainium.

Spent a hole day making a replacement.....F.O.C.....


.....and it was the last gun I repaired for them. Mixing business with pleasure nearly killed the hobby for me.....never again.
EVANIX Cloud Ultra (.25 cal)....leak somewhere

AEA Challenger BP (.457)....Will not cock back...just 1 of many past issues with this gun. Has left a bad taste in my mouth for this Brand. Will not buy another AEA anything in the future till they get their QC in check

PRod....Leak somewhere

All of which I have had sitting here close to if not over a year now with out fooling with them to get them fixed....
EVANIX Cloud Ultra (.25 cal)....leak somewhere

AEA Challenger BP (.457)....Will not cock back

PRod....Leak somewhere

All of which I have had sitting here close to if not over a year now with out fooling with them to get them fixed....

@Arkansas_Airgunner How did you like the Cloud Ultra prior to the leak?
Not poopting on AEA, just the facts... I bought the Challenger Bulllpup 457 when they first came out. I, along swith other new owner's, discovered that the barrel's all were bored at .461"+ and the chamber and crown's were cut with a dull drill bit. After fixing both barrel ends, polishing the bore, and getting a barrel band, it shoots oversized ammo alright now. However, it sits in the corner and I should probably go ahead and sell it.
I was given a palmer cap-chur tranquilizer dart pistol that was marked as being owned by the Brookfield zoo in Chicago before I was ever into airguns and still very young. The gun cocked by pulling directly on a knob that was the striker. The design was quite poor and the knob pulled off. With the means and knowledge I had at the time, I was unable to repair it and it sat in a box for years. I didn’t really think much of the gun and eventually threw it away. I later found out, especially because it was marked by the zoo, it was a collectors item. 🤦