Airgun Technologies AJ’s AGT Manul .177

Picked up the newly released AGT pistol on Saturday from Vector Air, was a 365 mile round trip

Took it to my local club on Sunday morning..

Love it….

Zero’d in at 10yards, was pellet on pellet rested and then stretched it out to 30yards and was hitting the 40mm bell pretty easily, even managed 4 in row, again it was rested though.

Took a couple reloads to suss out the mag system, the easiest way is to load the top 3 or 4 pellets and then fully rotate the mag to load the rest. The mag works on a ratchet, when you un cock the pistol it then trips the ratchet and it moves to the next position

I filled it to 240 bar and there was no discernible poi drop until it was under 50bar, it easily did 10 mags and may have even been more, I’ll do a proper count next time out with it

Pellet wise it liked the cheapo Excite Econ II straight away, so never bothered trying anything else


Back at the range Sunday morning, counted the mags this time and it does 11 mags, it dumped its air after the 12th, so 77 shots at .177 sub6 power level. Im having so much fun with this pistol that ive just bought a day tripper 500cc 300bar fill bottle so i can fill the pistol while at the range for extended sessions 👍


I think I would buy a used Steyr LP5/LP50, before I would buy the Manul.
They are COMPLETELY different guns !

One is designed more for fun general target, plinking shooting, and the other(s) designed for "target" shooting. You know...10m competition style shooting !!!

I have a Steyr LP50 Sport...and yeah, I'm seriously considering buying the Manul. NOT...even concerned or thinking that the Manul will shoot as well as the Steyr.

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I’ve had a AP16, i would say at this point i prefer the Manul and its always a bonus that if the Manul goes wrong i can get spares and get it fixed, spares are completely unavailable for the AP16 in the UK. I can’t comment on the Tequila, they aren’t available over here either, it does look a sweet bit of kit tho 👍
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