N/A All Hits - No Misses! Is this the future of airguns?

Not for me.
From a physical perspective that is, CUZ if i get down even just on my knees or squatting, well 10 seconds there and i will need something to pull myself up by.,
My doctor for sure gotta take a look at my knees next week when i see him CUZ in the time of this year something gone terrible wrong.
Actually just getting out of bed or my chair here in front of the PC, i prefer to push off on something getting up.

Also i am not at all competitive minded, no matter what or how very good i am at it, when competition factor is applied my performance drop A LOT, i think 25% is a option for sure.

Sure at 11 i got 4 place in my class on 200 M rifle, but there only was 4 in my age group also shooting 200 M
I can relate to the physical deficiency as of late, and the competition story. Mine was control line aerobatics though. I always won second place of two. Lol The pro pilot there in the pro class congratulated me and I answered yeah 2nd place of two. He said let me tell something, you see those guys on the fence gawking at you over there? Those are local pilots in your class that didn't have the courage to fly against you. You beat all of them in my eyes. 👍
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