EDgun All Things Edgun Matador R5M/Lelya 2.0 - Master thread

**THIS THREAD IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long thread. Please be patient although these are old guns**

This thread is a dedicated guide to discussions, instructional videos/threads, diagrams, and photos of the Edgun R5m platform. This is a robust regulated bullpup that was designed for hunting. It has been refined through various iterations (R3, R3M, R5, etc) resulting in a multi-shot repeater bullpup with forward-ambidextrous cocking and a tube reservoir. They are chambered in .177, .22, and .25 calibers. There were some limited edition single-shot .30 caliber R5s made, but I don't know a lot about them and I'm unsure if I will link those into this thread or not because they have a rear cocking bolt and thus different internals within the bolt/breech block. They come in varying lengths: compact (Leyla 2.0), standard, long, and super long. I'm unsure if they are still being produced as of November 11, 2024, but can be found in stock on Edgun Shop (Spain) webpage. Mostly you can find them on the used market, although they do not show up regularly.

Edgun Matador R5M Standard
Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 2.01.04 PM.png

Edgun Lelya 2.0
Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 1.56.08 PM.png

Edgun R5M Owner's Manual:

- Owner's Manuals and List of Springs, Balls, O-Rings, and Screws (on Edgun West site) https://www.edgunwest.com/edgun-manuals-edgun-west/

Edgun R5M/Leyla 2.0 Exploded Diagrams:

R5M Standard Exdploded Diagram
Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 10.30.00 AM.png

Source of photo and corresponding parts list in right hand column beneath "Add To Cart" button-

R5M Reservoir and Valve Assembly Exploded Diagram
Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 10.41.07 AM.png

Source of photo and corresponding parts list in right hand column beneath "Add To Cart" button- https://www.edgun.shop/collections/...5m-standard-spare-parts-reservoir-kl110200-01

Edgun R5M/Lelya 2.0 Reviews:

- "AEAC Video Edgun Matador R5M Vlog" (link to R5M YouTube video review) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/aeac-video-edgun-matador-r5m-vlog23.600887/

- ".25 R5M Long Initial Impressions" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/25-r5m-long-initial-impressions.739176/

- "Thoughts on my R5M part1" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/thoughts-on-my-r5m-part1.628901/

- "My R5M Standard .177" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/my-r5m-standard-177.805012/

- "Edgun R5M .25 2 month update" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-25-2-month-update.598483/

- "Edgun Matador R5M Long in the House" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-matador-r5m-long-in-the-house.478266/

- "Written Review for the Edgun Matador R5M" (Andy's Airgun Review site) https://www.aar-onair.com/post/written-review-for-the-edgun-matador-r5m

General Discussion Edgun R5M/Lelya 2.0:

- "R5M or Lelya 2.0" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-or-leyla-2-0.841657/

- "FX Impact Compact vs Edgun R5M Matador...Just Curious" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/fx-impact-compact-vs-edgun-r5m-matador-just-curious.821286/

- "R5M or tipan [Taipan]" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-or-tipan.822722/

- "FX wildcat mkII or Edgun r5m std?" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/fx-wildcat-mkii-or-edgun-r5m-std.558075/

- "Quick question. R5M or wildcat?" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/quick-question-r5m-or-wildcat.710042/

- "R5M Slug Shooting, Stock Fell Apart and Only Half Stock Remained On Tripod" https://www.airgunnation.com/thread...nd-only-half-stock-remained-on-tripod.676513/

- "Edgun R5M Questions" (Magazine and stock question. Also discusses barrel alignment) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-questions.619992/

- "R5M Matador - Standard or Long? Trigger ok?" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-matador-standard-or-long-trigger-ok.610922/

- "R5M .25 Long Accuracy" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-25-long-accuracy.594689/

- "Edgun Matador R5M Long .22 at 200 Yards" (link to YouTube video) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-matador-r5m-long-22-at-200-yards.526824/

- "Seeking Opinions: FX Dreamline vs Edgun R5M" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/seeking-opinions-fx-dreamline-vs-edgun-r5m.465153/

- "vulcan vs R5M? any thoughts?" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/vulcan-vs-r5m-any-thoughts.394600/

- "25 cal r5m standar[d] and long vs lelya 2"https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/25-cal-r5m-standar-and-long-vs-lelya-2.377781/'

- "Asking members with experience on the Edgun R5M" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/asking-members-with-experience-on-the-edgun-r5m.384115/

- "A Comsumers (not an expert) Thoughts on the Wildcat and the Edgun R5M .25s" https://www.airgunnation.com/thread...-on-the-wildcat-and-the-edgun-r5m-25s.349174/

- "Edgun Lelya 2.0 or Mini Matador R5M? you tell me" (discusses the trigger and trigger adjustment, but no detailed instructions) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-lelya-2-0-or-mini-matador-r5m-you-tell-me.303509/

- "R5M Question" (thread discussing double lasting and how to access the regulator) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-question.301493/

Edgun R5M/Lelya 2.0 Issues and Troubleshooting:

- "Edgun R5M .25 Mag Issue" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-25-mag-issue.1298076/

- "Edgun Lelya 2.0 /R5M Magazine Preference?" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-lelya-2-0-r5m-magazine-preference.1110248/

- "PSA: Edgun Lelya/R5M Cocking/Charging Problems" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/psa-edgun-lelya-r5m-cocking-charging-problems.710330/

- "Cocking Issue R5M" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/cocking-issue-r5m.1284843/

- "Edgun R5M Cocking Problem" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-cocking-problem.825135/

- "R5M Cocking/Indexing?" (long thread) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-cocking-indexing.579649/

- "Problems With the Edgun R5M .25 Standard" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/problems-with-edgun-r5m-25-standard.1064431/

- "R5M Standard .25 Problem" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-standard-25-problem.871295/

- "My Edgun R5M Does Not Cock The Trigger" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/my-edgun-r5m-does-not-cock-the-trigger.921963/

- "Edgun R5m Pop and Puff" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-pop-and-puff.869106/

- "R5M Super Cheap and Easy Fix to the Puff of Air to the Face" (contains link to video) https://www.airgunnation.com/thread...sy-fix-to-the-puff-of-air-to-the-face.486589/

- "Safety Edgun R5M" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/safety-edgun-r5m.717833/

- "Edgun R5M front digital gauge not working" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-front-digital-gauge-not-working.478302/

- "Edgun R5M Ping..." https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-ping.684312/

- "R5M .25 Standard-- Pellet Spiraling Problem" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-25-standard-pellet-spiraling-problem.665629/

- "R5M .25 Standard-- POI Strange Shift" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-25-standard-poi-strange-shift.662816/

- "Edgun R5M Magazine O-Ring Issue" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-magazine-o-ring-isssue.643038/

- "Trouble with Sled on Edgun Matador R5M" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/trouble-with-the-sled-on-edgun-matador-r5m.584340/

- "Are there any R5M tuners available??" (thread on accuracy issue) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/are-there-any-r5m-tuners-available.589378/

- "R5M Bleed Screw Leak Help" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-bleed-screw-leak-help-needed.552755/

- "Need a Little Help the the Edgun Matador R5M (thread about the fill probe dust cover ball bearing size)" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/need-a-little-help-with-the-edgun-matador-r5m.418763/

- "Help removing edgun lelya regulator from plenum!" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/help-removing-edgun-lelya-regulator-from-plenum.770770/

- "Questions About Edgun Lelya 2.0 Lubing Points" (lubricating the wrong parts, creating a new issue, and correcting the mistake) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/questions-about-edgun-lelya-2-0-lubing-points.1140357/

- "Edgun Lelya 2.0 Mystery Leak" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-lelya-2-0-mystery-leak.1159493/

Edgun R5M/Lelya Maintenance and Repair Threads and Videos:

- “Lelya 2.0 Disassembly” (video by Ed)

- "Edgun R5M/Lelya bolt block disassembly & component pics" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-lelya-bolt-block-disassembly-component-pics.1301962/

- “EDgun R5/R5M/Lelya Regulator Rebuild” (video by Edgun West)

-“EDgun lelya 2.0 Huma Air regulator install and comparison” (video by Airbuks)

- "EdGun R5M/Lelya Regulator & Valve Component Pics" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-lelya-regulator-valve-component-pics.1301850/

- "Edgun R5m Fill Pressure, Regulator Creep & Broken Valve Lessons" https://www.airgunnation.com/thread...regulator-creep-broken-valve-lessons.1267994/

- "Edgun Matador R5m .22 Question - Degas for Gauge Change" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/easy-matador-r5m-22-question-degas-for-gauge-change.649827/

- "Edgun R5M Barrel Alignment Procedure" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-barrel-alignment-procedure.626159/

- "R5M Help Needed" (thread discussing how to remove the hammer spring with video links) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-help-needed.345516/

- “Edgun Lelya 2.0 handle spring replacement” (video by Airbuks)

- "Lelya 2.0 Rising Velocity Question" (Lelya 2.0 reservoir exploded diagrams, regulator issue, and a partial regulator rebuild) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/lelya-2-0-rising-velocity-questions.1299306/

Edgun R5M/Leyla 2.0 Ammo and Tuning Discussion:

- R5M Edgun and FX Hybrid Slugs" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-edgun-and-fx-hybrid-slugs.915415/

- "Edgun Matador R5M Std .22 on Slugs" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-matador-std-22-on-slugs.844707/

- "Edgun R5M Ammo Test" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-ammo-test.822183/

- "Edgum R5M' (thread about pellet velocity) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m.708130/

- "R5M .25 Cal Standard Velocities" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-25-cal-standard-velocities.601718/

- "Can the Edgun R5M Shoot Slugs? https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/can-the-edgun-r5m-shoot-slugs.554072/

- "R5M Matador Owners" (Thread discusses tuning for pellets and slug shooting) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-matador-owners.486172/

- "R5M Long (Huma) tunings" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-long-huma-tunings.294213/

Edgun R5M/Lelya 2.0 Modifications:

- "*First Look* Edgun R5M-C from The Escoskunkwerkz" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/first-look-edgun-r5m-c-from-the-escoskunkwerkz.1009146/

- "Edgun Matador R5M Long .25" (thread about cutting choke off of barrel and cutting shroud) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-matador-r5m-long-25.608892/

Edgun R5M/Lelya 2.0 Parts and Accesories:

- Complete O-Ring Replacement Kit for Edgun R5 or R5M - Huma Air $8.66 + shipping
**In the event Huma Air has run out of o-ring replacement kits you can pay 4x their price at Edgun West $35 + shipping
or you can alternatively look at the o-ring sizes and piece together your own kit from places like Captain O-Ring, McMaster Carr, The O-Ring Store, or O-rings and More**

- "Lelya 2.0 O-Rings for .22 Caliber" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/lelya-2-0-o-rings-for-22-caliber.1268604/

-“Wika Black Mini Pressure Gauge for EDgun 28mm [R5M]” https://huma-air.com/wika-black-mini-pressure-gauge-for-edgun-28mm/

-“EDgun Quick Connect Fill Probe by Huma Air” https://huma-air.com/edgun-quick-connect-fill-probe-by-huma-air/

- "R5M Parts" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/r5m-parts.865771/

- "Edgun R5M Valve" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-valve.793500/

- "Custom Cheek Rest for Edgun R5M by Jack K." https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/custom-cheek-rest-for-edgun-r5m-by-jack-k.871786/

- "Edgun R5M Owners - Which Bipod Mount?" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-owners-which-bipod-mount.682067/

- "Edgun R5M and The Bat" (Bat moderator discussion) https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-and-the-bat.602043/

- Spikes Tactical 30" Soft Rifle Case (There is also a 36” option. I really like these simple cases. 36" for the R5M Long and the 30" for the R5M Standard and the Lelya 2.0. These cases are well made & durable. This also comes with 2 color options - black and coyote). https://www.opticsplanet.com/spikes-tactical-30in-rifle-soft-case.html

Edgun R5M/Leyla 2.0 Photos:

- "My New R5M Matador Standard .25 with the Blue & Gray laminate stock" https://www.airgunnation.com/thread...-25-with-the-blue-gray-laminate-stock.475732/

- "Edgun R5m Standard .22" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-standard-22.672521/

- "R5M .22 Pictures" https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/edgun-r5m-22-pictures.444482/
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Had my Lelya 2, (.22) for about 4+ years. Still running strong, no leaks, or other problems.

I put a modified, R5M stock with a vinyl wrap on it. I filled in the silly (what's it for ?) middle finger cutout with automotive plastic filler, and rounded all of the hard edges, removed the lower "bar" from the rear of the stock. Also the rounded cutout at the front, though I messed it up from what I wanted ! It's also got the "Bat" series muffler on it. Found it on sale for almost half price so...I bought one. With an Eotech 512, (hologram) sight on it.

Again, zero problems, in 4+ years.


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