American Air Arms All Things EVOL - Master Thread

This thread is dedicated the the American Air Arms Evol. A while back someone posted asking for a thread like this. I thought that it seemed fitting to compile Evol threads, information, videos, photos, and questions in a single thread for easier reference. This will take some time to do. I am far from an expert on these guns. I'm just an airgunner who enjoys his Evol. My impression has been that this is a well-built and thoughtfully engineered air gun. It's not fragile or made from cheap parts. Some of the most intimidating tasks concerning these rifles (for me anyhow) were taking them apart and tuning. So I'll begin by posting videos and thread about these tasks first.

American Air Arms Evol .30 Full Review

Evol Tear Down Video
This covers removing the barrel, barrel cleaning, degassing, removing the reservoir, removing the regulator, swapping AR pistol grips and buttstocks. It also discusses removing the buffer tube. There are some nice reassembly tips in here.

Evol Trigger Adjustment Video (Tactical and Paradigm)
This video shows you how to degas your gun as well.

Evol Tuning Tips by Derrick Wall (@zx10wall)

Low Powered Evol Mini Tune AGN discussion

Early Evol Setup by @mtnGhost

AAA Evol .22 & .30 Tactical Carbine Length of Pull discussion

Changing Evol Manometers (Gauges) and Manometer O-rings (See an example of how to use the printable o-ring chart here).

American Air Arms sub-Forum on HAM site (more informational threads for Evol owners to reference)

If you're wondering how durable this air gun is, take a look at Dana Web's Torture Test of this gun. This is a 3-part series entitled "Will They Survive" in which the Evol was subjected to extreme stress and tested against a couple of other popular air rifles for durability, accuracy, and consistency. The result is astounding.

"Will They Survive" (Torture Test)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Here's the Restoration Video of Dana's Evol post torture test

@Airgun Advisor 's "Evol Mini .22 "Ultimate Critter Getter: EVOL Mini .22 by American Air Arms"

Hunting with the AAA Evol Mini

Evol Schematics and Owner’s Manual (source-

Evol Master Assembly Schematic

Evol Receiver Assembly Schematic

Evol Gauge Block Schematic

Evol Regulator Assembly Schematic

Evol Magazine Schematic

Evol Trigger Schematic

Evol Trigger Adjustment (written instructions)

Evol O-ring Identification Chart (printable)

Purchase an Evol and accessories from the following vendors:

American Air Arms Evol Tactical Carbine @ American Air Arms website (look at the various models in the drop-down menu)

Buy Your American AIr Arms Evol (in the United States) @ Airguns of Arizona (various models, magazines, and tools). Check with AOA for shipping to other parts of North America. *AOA is also an authorized Evol service and repair center.

Baker Airguns

For people in Europe, Purchase Your AAA Evol from Krale Shop

I've been gathering some of this info for a while, so please be patient as I add to the thread over time. You will also find hunting videos, reviews, info on benchrest and long-range shooting are as well. If you have relevant info or input to add, please feel free to do so.

Here's my Evol .30 set up to shoot at 100 yards off of a tripod.
Evol .30 w:Bushnell Nitro 6-24x50mm SFP on Tripod 100 yd shoot.jpeg
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Great idea @Ezana4CE , two threads of yours I will be frequenting often! My question to you is, how do the evol and huben place in your group? not as in which is better, but what are your uses for each and why have both?

Here is my .22 Huben that is shooting 15.89 at 865 fps very accurately

Group shown is 5 full magazines at 40 yards



345445647_732324921962099_5362497748367623943_n (1).jpg

@CTairgunner1288 I thought the Huben would be a good woods walker, but it's heavier than I'd anticipated so a sling was needed. It handles pretty well in the woods and having a semi-auto feature is reassuring, especially at night. The ability to shoot slug and pellets is a big plus. My Evol does this as well.

The Evol was something that I watched Dana using in his Mountain Sport Airguns videos. Some of what he does outdoors resonated with me and allowed me to see myself doing similar things in different environments. I watched the Evol and its following for a time before pulling the trigger on one. It was a dream gun that I'd had on my wishlist for a while. I wanted what I considered to be a top-tier air rifle, mainly for hunting varmints with the possibility of them showing up a long distances. The Evol's length and feel were a bit of a reminder of how it feels to hold something the length of a traditional rifle. I like that it doesn't have to have a bulky bottle reservoir to get a decent shot count. I can shoot through three mags on a fill which is plenty for hunting armadillos, beavers, coyotes, hogs, other game, and nuisance animals. I figured it would be a good gun to use in pastureland considering it can stretch out so far and maintain great accuracy with pellets. I like to shoot mine standing behind a shooting rest, preferably a tripod. I also like that it pairs well with the Eberelstock Gunrunner backpack and can fit snuggly into the scabbard while scoped. I've taken it through thick brush in that pack trying to find a nuisance hog's bedding area.
Evol .30 in Eberlestock Gunrunner pack at Campsite.jpeg

I was surprised when I shot FX Hybrids and saw that they performed well without having to change the Derrick Wall tune that came with the gun, so that was a plus. Ultimately, I like that the gun is built tough so it doesn't have to be babied. I also appreciate that the man responsible for designing and building these guns is responsive and accessible. I've gotten great support from @slayer personally and from information on the American Air Arms website. I think product support is very important. The man cares about the product he created and stands behind it. Considering that they're made in the United States, parts availability doesn't seem to be an issue if needed. These are factors that I take into consideration when shopping for the more expensive airguns. With that said, the American Air Arms Evol .30 fills a place in my repertoire that few others can.
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@CTairgunner1288 I thought the Huben would be a good woods walker, but it's heavier than I'd anticipated so a sling was needed. It handles pretty well in the woods and having a semi-auto feature is reassuring, especially at night. The ability to shoot slug and pellets is a big plus. My Evol does this as well.

The Evol was something that I watched Dana using in his Mountain Sport Airguns videos. Some of what he does outdoors resonated with me and allowed me to see myself doing similar things in different environments. I watched the Evol and its following for a time before pulling the trigger on one. It was a dream gun that I'd had on my wishlist for a while. I wanted what I considered to be a top tier air rifle mainly for hunting varmints with the possibility of them showing up a long distances. The Evol's length and feel were a bit of a reminder of how it feels to hold something the length of a traditional rifle and I like that it doesn't have to have bottle to get a decent shot count. I can three mags on a fill which is plenty for hunting armadillos, beavers, coyotes, hogs, other game, and nuisance animals. I figured it would be a good gun to use in pastureland considering it can stretch out so far an maintain great accuracy with pellets. I like to shoot mine standing behind a shooting rest. I like that it pairs well with the Eberelstock Gunrunner pack and can fit snuggly into the scabbard scooped. I've taken it through thick brush in that pack trying to find a nuisance hog's bedding area.
View attachment 357265

I was surprised when I shot FX Hybrids and saw that they performed well without having to change the Derrick Wall tune that came with the gun, so that was a plus. Ultimately, I like that the gun is built tough so it doesn't have to be babied. I also appreciate that the man responsible for designing and building these guns is responsive and accessible. I've gotten great support from @slayer personally and from information on the American Air Arms website. I think product support is very important. The man cares about the product he created and stands behind it. Considering that they're made in the United States, parts availability doesn't seem to be an issue if needed. These are all factors that I took into consideration so the gun fills a place in my repertoire that few others can.

I won't lie to you, I love the semi auto feature of my huben and like you mentioned about the evol, with my .22 huben making 25 fpe I am over 150 shots per fill, WOW!!! However, I can say that since I shot my evol mini, its taken the throne as my favorite, even over my huben. The evol truly is an awesome rifle and I haven't even tuned it or adjusted the trigger for me yet...

Here's my tuning thread also
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So we aren't all sounding like cheerleaders, here are some threads where owners discuss different opinions and issues they've encountered with the Evol like: leaks, parts availability, valve issues, etc. These threads contains some pretty good information via the shared experiences of Evol owners.


Leaks, Valve, Parts Availability

Stock moderators vs aftermarket moderators on the Evol

Evol Mini .22 threads where owners chime in (leaks mentioned on pg. 2)

Loose shoulder bolt issue and suggested remedies
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Thanks for putting this thread together and taking the time and effort to do so. I know some of my postings are in a few of these threads you referenced. While trying to find info on the Evols in the past, I bookmarked a lot of threads to revisit them. This will make it a lot easier for newcomers and current owners with all the info and updates on the Evol platform.
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The EVOL Paradigm doesn't yet have a manual, so here is what Grady (customer rep at AAA) sent me:

From: American Air Arms
Sent: Wednesday, 19 April 2023 14:43

Subject: Evol Paradigm .30 owner’s manual

Hi Phil,

Thank you for contacting us and congratulations on your new purchase. I am happy to provide information about your rifle. The Paradigm is an EVOL action in a beautiful Steve Corcoran walnut stock. Below are some of the features of the Paradigm and general information:

A. Stock

•The gunstock is made by Steve Corcoran at Crosman Grips | Steve Corcoran Airgun Stocks and Grips | ( He uses beautiful walnut and adds details only seen in high end quality gunstocks.

•Vertical thumbhole. This allows consistent thumb placement.

•Adjustable rubber butt plate. This not only adjusts up and down but rotates on a vertical axis.

•M-LOK rail sits flush inside the stock preventing snags.

•The regulator gauge is recessed into the stock. This offers gauge protection and a snag free fore end.

•Adjustable comb.

•Thumbhole design is as inline as possible for quick offhand, off axis recoil mitigation, and improved cant control.

The gunstock fore end is flat. This provides stability on shooting bags and rests.

B. Please refer to the AAA website for EVOL .30 specifications and diagrams.
Manuals – American Air Arms

Here are three measurements that are specific to the Paradigm. The safety mechanism is also different than the EVOL TAC.

•The Paradigm is 41.5" in length

•It weighs ~7.8 pounds

The Paradigm has a 1:26 twist barrel.

C. Ammo selection --

•JSB 44 gr pellets

•FX Hybrid Slugs

54 grains and up will require tuning to achieve best results

You will have to experiment with different brands and weights. It's comparable to working up a load in firearms. People are shooting anything from ~44 grain to ~62 grain slugs with very different results.

D. Barrel cleaning procedure.

Make sure the gun is unloaded and there are no unfired rounds in the chamber!

Place the gun upside down with the muzzle on a slight down slope in a secure gun caddy. (The gun is cleaned upside down to prevent any solvents from running down the transfer port and washing out the grease in the valve)

Remove the Moderator, place the safety on safe and cock the lever to allow access to the breech.

Using a brass or bronze brush of the appropriate caliber, dip the brush in lead solvent (we use Shooter’s Choice) tap against the jar to remove excess solvent, and make 10 to 20 full strokes through the bore. Generally, this is all the brushing that is required unless your barrel is badly fouled.

Using a patch lightly dampened in solvent, run it through 4-5 full strokes.

Run a dry patch through 1 or 2 strokes to dry the bore.

Using a light, visually inspect the bore, if there are any spots of lead still attached to the bore repeat steps 4-6 again. (Attached lead will appear as dark patches usually at the land/groove intersections and are most prevalent at the muzzle end)

If you are going to use the gun after cleaning, you are finished. If you are going to store the gun, we recommend one or two strokes of a patch coated in gun oil to prevent possible corrosion.

E. How do I clear a double load?

The easiest method to clear a double load is to simply shoot it out into a safe backstop. If the bullets remain the barrel after attempting to shoot them out, you will need to tap them out with a wooden dowel.


Grady, AAA Customer Service Rep.
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Some evol mini content here

Nice thread. Its so hard if not impossible at times to get much information on these airguns. Currently I have 3 of them and trying to get tune info is generally not going to happen unless I just dive in and experiment myself. Its a good thing that they are very easy to work on providing you have the proper tools.
I have tuned my HPS some. What I had done was adjust the regulator to about 1600psi. I backed way off on the hammer spring. My Idea is that I would be able to give myself a range of power adjustment for different grain slugs. Currently shooting the 24.8 NSAs at 1020fps. This is with the hammer spring backed way off. I know with the current setup I cannot shoot Heavy pellets. The FPS would just be far to great. Though before the made adjustments it shot them incredibly well and even then the FPS was a bit high. Shot count had not suffered to much with current tune but if I adjust the hammer spring for that added power it is noticeable. Not really a concern for myself though. I just wish that there was a small air chamber to put the regulator into for pressure testing while making adjustments before putting it back into the airgun. At least I have not seen one. I think that im good though with the adjustments made to the regulator at this point. With the HPS anyway.
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