Depends on the size of your stocking! Get one and worry about paying off the credit card later!Will a Paradigm fit in a Christmas stocking?![]()
The Evol shoots pellets and light slugs with precision. The barrel twist rate likes the shorter lighter NSA slugs (and other manufacturer's slugs similar to them), and will sling them down range around 900 fps, topped out. The longer heavier slugs have more bearing surface, so it slows them down considerably more than say the similar weighted ZAN 56 grain pellet. I've put just about everything I can think of as far as slugs and pellets down through the Evol. What is remarkable about it is that it will be nearly as consistent with group size across the board with just about any slug though. Heavier slugs just shoot slower and not as accurate with this twist rate and power level.I own an EVOL .30. Wonderful air rifle. Using a 49.5-grain NSA slug does anyone know what FPS range the HST provides? An approximate is fine. This more a curiosity question but ideas will be appreciated. Also, if you have experience shooting slugs with the EVOL .30 I would love to hear about it. Grain, FPS, etc. Mine is sending the NSA 49.5 gr at 815 FPS. The 54.5 gr at 790 FPS. I have yet to shoot them at 100 yards so that is up next. The 54.5 gr at 50 yards is more accurate than the 49.5 gr.
I own an EVOL .30. Wonderful air rifle. Using a 49.5-grain NSA slug does anyone know what FPS range the HST provides? An approximate is fine. This more a curiosity question but ideas will be appreciated. Also, if you have experience shooting slugs with the EVOL .30 I would love to hear about it. Grain, FPS, etc. Mine is sending the NSA 49.5 gr at 815 FPS. The 54.5 gr at 790 FPS. I have yet to shoot them at 100 yards so that is up next. The 54.5 gr at 50 yards is more accurate than the 49.5 gr.
Try adjusting the speed through the spring tension adjuster to see if those pellets stabilize. I'd go a bit faster, around 900 fps or more, so they maintain spin stabilization over those longer ranges. There's a few other guy's shooting those pellets at longer ranges who can let you know what speeds they are running them at also.Following closely…
I am also very interested in this information request too. I have a .30 Paradigm that shoots the JSB 44g pellets around 870-875 FPS at factory setting. I would like to see some groups or paperback score targets at 50 and 100y with various slug brands and/or weights. My interest is for Benchrest and not hunting.
Have shot at 100y several times and have found that the 44g is approximately 1/2-3/4” group size at 50y consistently, but groups open up at 100y.
Trying to find some EVOL Paradigm.30 user experiences for Benchrest with slugs at these distances.
Thanks, Tom
Try adjusting the speed through the spring tension adjuster to see if those pellets stabilize. I'd go a bit faster, around 900 fps or more, so they maintain spin stabilization over those longer ranges. There's a few other guy's shooting those pellets at longer ranges who can let you know what speeds they are running them at also.
My EVOL .30 factory setting shoot the 44.75 grain JSB match pellets at 875 FPS. The NSA slugs (49.5 gr are 806 FPS. To get 900 FPS from the NSA slugs did you adjust HST only? Or did you also adjust the regulator?The Evol shoots pellets and light slugs with precision. The barrel twist rate likes the shorter lighter NSA slugs (and other manufacturer's slugs similar to them), and will sling them down range around 900 fps, topped out. The longer heavier slugs have more bearing surface, so it slows them down considerably more than say the similar weighted ZAN 56 grain pellet. I've put just about everything I can think of as far as slugs and pellets down through the Evol. What is remarkable about it is that it will be nearly as consistent with group size across the board with just about any slug though. Heavier slugs just shoot slower and not as accurate with this twist rate and power level.
Try the FX Hybrid type of slug. You can also get the same hollow hybrid slug from from RMR Bullets at a decent price from what I understand.
My EVOL .30 factory setting shoot the 44.75 grain JSB match pellets at 875 FPS. The NSA slugs (49.5 gr are 806 FPS. To get 900 FPS from the NSA slugs did you adjust HST only? Or did you also adjust the regulator?
@tommyb Not without divulging trade secrets. ;-)From watching Tom’s Paradigm tuning videos, I don’t think you can get to 900 FPS with a 49.5 NSA slug with just adjusting HST only. That would be great though if you can.
Airgun-Hobbyist - can you clarify how you got to 900 FPS?
I finally decided on a case. FHF Gear TAC MTN 42". Super nice, made in USA and fits my 15" perfectly!I want to get a nice quality, relatively discreet, soft rifle case for my 15" EVOL, but can't seem to find anything that fits the bill. I have a 40" quilted midwayusa case that I really like, but it wont quite close because of the pistol grip. Most cases that look like they'll fit are covered with AR/AK magazine pockets that I obviously have no need for. Any recommendations?
I guess I got lucky, so far at least. They shot extremely well at 700fps. Like all in the same hole at 60 yards. I sized them exactly .300 and were cast from pure lead and lightly lubed with balistol. I have to cast more and get time out on the range.Depending on the barrel leade you may not be able to get slugs to shoot well. I was talking to Tom and he mentioned that the leade is different on the barrels for slugs and pellets. He is coming out with a slug barrel as well, hoping to be within a month or so.
Woogie_man, you might not want to do this, but I figured I'd mention it. I have (successfully) re-shaped craytex rubberized abrasive bits using a file, to reshape the leade in a LW barrel I had done. You have to be really careful and I ran two different grits, forward and backwards. My leade is perfect, no slug is chewed on, and none fall in. Pushing a slug through is easy and the marking is spot on. Of course, it can all go to hell pretty easily, but if I had a problem with a barrel chomping on my lead I would not put up with it for too long. I actually had set the whole leade up for JSB MK2's and it worked out for slugs just as well. The gun is now set up to shoot Zan 28gr slugs at 50fpe. I couldn't have done it all much more simply. I put the cratex bit in a drill worked the diameter down to where I wanted it, then put a shallow bevel on it and used it very sparingly in the barrel. All of the time was in the setup, very little time using the bits. I didn't want any micro-burs on the lands so I ran them both directions. This isn't for everyone, that's for sure, but it really worked out just perfectly for me.Depending on the barrel leade you may not be able to get slugs to shoot well. I was talking to Tom and he mentioned that the leade is different on the barrels for slugs and pellets. He is coming out with a slug barrel as well, hoping to be within a month or so.