Huben All Things HUBEN K1 - Master Thread

I bet we can work up a 3d printed tool for specific seating depths.
@wimpanzee The pellets sort of “click” into place. I don’t think there much variance for depth seating. I was thinking it would be nice if there was some sort of speed loader for these mags, but I couldn’t conceive of how one might work when we can only load two rounds at a time before rotating the magazine to access they next empty chambers. Do you have anything in mind?
@wimpanzee The pellets sort of “click” into place. I don’t think there much variance for depth seating. I was thinking it would be nice if there was some sort of speed loader for these mags, but I couldn’t conceive of how one might work when we can only load two rounds at a time before rotating the magazine to access they next empty chambers. Do you have anything in mind?
Nothing like a speed loader, no. Might be able to do like a double barrel pellet pen - mine can only load 2 at a time with the loading gate. i honestly don't find it onerous enough to need a speed loader. i rest the grip on my thigh, and pick up a pellet or two with one hand while rotating the mag with the other...once you get that pattern down its really pretty easy. in all honesty, i might spend more time loading my sidewinder mag and getting the plate back over it and then getting the mag to click in than i spend loading the huben mag...
@wimpanzee I can see something like that being a thing. Seating them doesn’t take much longer than finger loading the mag. I seat them as I load. The benefit of seating the pellets seems to be worth it. For hunting purposes it’s fine. It only has to be done before leaving. When shooting paper, topping off the reservoir and reloading the mag gets to be a pain for me. I shoot one magazine from 30 to 22 mpa then top off.
Is anyone occasionally catching a blast of air or a lead fragment to the face when shooting there Huben? Occasionally I’m getting hit in the face with something. It may be lead. At first I thought it might be hair until it hit my eye. I’ve felt it hit below my lip as well.
That's a negative from me, I'm wondering if barrel is slightly out of line causing rounds to shave some weight as they make their way out and the shavings are making their way out back ?
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Is anyone occasionally catching a blast of air or a lead fragment to the face when shooting there Huben? Occasionally I’m getting hit in the face with something. It may be lead. At first I thought it might be hair until it hit my eye. I’ve felt it hit below my lip as well.
I have never had that, but I did once have a very loud report on the shot from the action - I had not positioned the barrel the correct depth into the block after having had it out. I readjusted it and all was well. But it was something that I heard (loudly) and did not feel.

It sounds like yours might be out of alignment enough to shave, like shown at the bottom of the first page of this thread. But even in that one the shooter was only reporting accuracy issues and not stuff flying out back at the action. There is minimal space for lead shaving to fly out.

I'd want to take it apart and see what is going on. Have you been in there on yours yet? If not, watch Gregor's disassembly video.
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First I would do a "tissue test" to identify where the problem is. It could be what Camaro said . . .

If you have the mechanical ability, it is pretty easy to work on once you understand it. Before I switched to the Huma regulator (which slowed down disassembly as the whole reservoir has to empty) I was at the point I could strip it down to pull a boresnake through the barrel and have the gun back up and shooting in under about 10 minutes. But the first time was much slower as I learned about it. Here is Gregor's video - something to bookmark, and I even went so far as to download it just in case it is ever removed due to YouTube policies . . . .
Guys, you're really good and talking me back into a Huben.

Are you sure
you aren't receiving some kickback from Huben....?
Please, check your Paypal accounts for any deposits from unidentified sources..... 😆

I think when we are excited about a product we like to show others how we see it. I am loyal to no brand as I have owned and shot many brands and still own 2 fx guns, a veteran, and now the 2 hubens. The hubens still give me the giggles and checks so many of my boxes if you have any specific questions feel free to shoot me a message I font mind helping if I can.
Guys, you're really good and talking me back into a Huben.

Are you sure
you aren't receiving some kickback from Huben....?
Please, check your Paypal accounts for any deposits from unidentified sources..... 😆

Lol recommendations are a fine line between justifying your own purchase and genuinely trying to help another person reach a purchase decision.
On mine I got one time a short burt to my cheek after firing. It turned out to be a damaged oring under the regulator gage. After replacement no issue.
@Camaro454 This only occurred once? Did the gun lose any pressure until you changed the o-ring? How’d your determine that particular o-ring was the problem?
@Camaro454 This only occurred once? Did the gun lose any pressure until you changed the o-ring? How’d your determine that particular o-ring was the problem?
It was strange due to the design of the gage installation. I attach pic for review. It would not happen every shot and very little loss of pressure. When I felt it the first time I did the tissue test but did not hold my cheek on the gun..fired from gun vise. No problem but put my cheek on it and there goes the puff. I then grabbed the gage and heard a hiss sound. Soapy water confirmed it was coming from behind the gage. Replaced gage and oring..Zero problem. Kelly at KrazyKool Sent a new gage after I showed him photos of old one. Inlet port looked funky.




Had some fun last night with my K1, was shooting rats out of the bamboo at up to 80 yds with the Thermion Pulsar fitted i forgot it has the record feature i will use that next time and post up a few short videos, But my point is these are awesome rifles, Also got a family of wild boar demolishing my orange tree plantation hmmmm now how to sort that problem 🤷‍♂️
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Shot a few mags of .22 JSB Beast Diabolo pellets 33.956 grains. They did ok. I didn’t take a lot of time to play with velocities, but managed to find some consistency. The skirts don’t fill snuggly within the magazine and they’re so long that they couldn’t be pushed forward to seat them firmly like shorter pellets. Therefore be mindful that they can slide back out of the mag a little when you lightly tilt or moderately bump the gun. This can cause your gun to jam if the skirts are not fitting snug into the mag.


Not so great lighting this time of day and I didn’t want to spend a lot of time playing with light setups and sunshades. Shot some 18.1 grainers too. I found a baseline setting for them but couldn’t capture and chrono readings on them.
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