Huben All Things HUBEN K1 - Master Thread

Well i have taken the advice from jacespace as per above posts and still no joy the K1 fires when it wants to,
i polished the recommended parts rebuilt it including a new striker spring and striker buffer and it fired on around the first 10-15 shots then jammed up again so i put it away for a while as i was getting really frustrated,
i have stripped and opened up the main receiver body thinking i will strip as far as i can go and replace every thing on starting to strip i came across this damaged rubber part (pic attached) but for the life of me i can not identify the part ?, it is around 3-3.5mm in diameter and about 10mm in length but looks almost like a rubber pin with serrated edge or I suppose it could be a large damaged rubber oring but no idea where from if any one can please help ??..

View attachment 458098
Looks like a rubber piece (antivibration/loosening) that goes in the trigger adjusting screws in back of gun. Serrations are from screw threads. Could have jammed your trigger mechanism or allowed it to come out of adjustment. Call Kelly.
Thanks guys makes perfect sense as i found it in that area, It’s odd its not shown on parts diagrams now to see if i can get it to shoot as it should, going back to my previous post when it jammed up last no matter how many times i pulled the trigger it would not fire but after 10 min back in the gun rack it fired by itself luckily my rack is pointing my rifles to a solid wall a few feet away I’ve got to get to the bottom of this constant jamming problem…
Thanks guys makes perfect sense as i found it in that area, It’s odd its not shown on parts diagrams now to see if i can get it to shoot as it should, going back to my previous post when it jammed up last no matter how many times i pulled the trigger it would not fire but after 10 min back in the gun rack it fired by itself luckily my rack is pointing my rifles to a solid wall a few feet away I’ve got to get to the bottom of this constant jamming problem…
Is it possible your reg pressure is below 120 bar/12mpa? Low pressure causes failure to fire, but sear is unlatched, so safety will not engage, any rise in pressure (warming up or filling) causes valve to complete firing cycle
Is it possible your reg pressure is below 120 bar/12mpa? Low pressure causes failure to fire, but sear is unlatched, so safety will not engage, any rise in pressure (warming up or filling) causes valve to complete firing cycle
no my reg is set to 170 bar before my issues it was perfect and very accurate it all went wrong when i tried the altros slugs my Huben really didn’t like them and problem after problem has followed, got a get it sorted its my go to gun and i have other descents rifles to choose from….
if its not the rubber piece as stated above then I believe that may be part of the large damper orings around the hammer spring. There is usually two of them back to back and one will roll and get caught in the sear then rip pieces off. Whenever I have one in for service that has the orings in it I replace them with a one piece seal like the older ones had. Never had an issue with the old style. Take the rear cover off and you will see it right away if that's it. Just don't pull the trigger with the cover off as the hammer and valve will fly out. and could be dangerous. You can contact me vis phone at 812-309-0331 if you need help.
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Thanks guys,
i put it away for a few days as was getting frustrated, Anyway i rebuilt it again yesterday double double checked for any broken o rings and took the trigger parts out and cleaned and lubed everything there were small bits of rubber around from the broken rubber pin i found, Anyways woohoo all seems well again put around 50 shots through her and all good i just hope its ok after its been sitting overnight….
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I don't do what you are asking - I now store it loaded in the safe ready to roll. But when I first got it I did not trust that, so I used to fully reload it and then burn off two (later one) shots and then rotate the mag 17 (later 18) clicks (mine's a .22 with 19 shots) to store it on an empty cylinder. Then when I needed it I could just rotate it two (then one) slots forward and be good to go. It was a pretty good compromise for any mechanical failure type of discharge which is what I was most concerned about, but obviously not as safe as fully unloaded. I'm the only one that handles it.

Once I fully understood how it functions and learned to trust it, I switched to just keeping it loaded and on safe.
…I used to fully reload it and then burn off two (later one) shots and then rotate the mag 17 (later 18) clicks (mine's a .22 with 19 shots) to store it on an empty cylinder. Then when I needed it I could just rotate it two (then one) slots forward and be good to go…
@AlanMcD That’s a thought. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks guys,
i put it away for a few days as was getting frustrated, Anyway i rebuilt it again yesterday double double checked for any broken o rings and took the trigger parts out and cleaned and lubed everything there were small bits of rubber around from the broken rubber pin i found, Anyways woohoo all seems well again put around 50 shots through her and all good i just hope its ok after its been sitting overnight….
Any news?
Describe the mushy. Maybe linkage is loose. I loctite mine.
@Sergy1972 It just feels like what would be the first stage has a lot of slack leading up to what would be the second stage. I guess the best way to describe it is when pressing the trigger, I have to press longer before the shot breaks. In that time I'm not feeling a change in resistance. It kinda throws me off anticipating the shot breaking. I've read that the trigger is adjustable, but I haven't fiddled with it.
@Sergy1972 It just feels like what would be the first stage has a lot of slack leading up to what would be the second stage. I guess the best way to describe it is when pressing the trigger, I have to press longer before the shot breaks. In that time I'm not feeling a change in resistance. It kinda throws me off anticipating the shot breaking. I've read that the trigger is adjustable, but I haven't fiddled with it.
Sounds like the adjustment rod is longer than necessary. It has a clevis on at least the rear end. Shorten it up and make sure clevis screw is tight.