All things your rabbit hunts here :-)

Vulcan 3
30 caliber ...55gn slug @ 960 fps about 50-55 yards (estimating off of my parallax adjustment)

Almost couldn't find this guy...was creeping around when I saw him, dropped down to prone but with the uneven ground didn't see him for a second, just his head sticking up. Slug passed through his eye then emptied his skull of all brain matter :-\
Now I have enough rabbits for rabbit stew :)





Still can't get over how many rabbits you got. If I can get 2 in one day I'm happy. Was out 2-1/2 hours tonight and only saw one...but got him for my stew!
Hi Zeke,
I’m in New Zealand and European rabbits were introduced here over a hundred years ago. With no natural predators they have multiplied and spread to everywhere across the entire country, and to almost plague proportions in some areas.
I do professional pest control and shoot up to 400 rabbits a month.
It’s a dirty job, but hey, someone’s got to do it… 😂😂😂
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Hi Zeke,
I’m in New Zealand and European rabbits were introduced here over a hundred years ago. With no natural predators they have multiplied and spread to everywhere across the entire country, and to almost plague proportions in some areas.
I do professional pest control and shoot up to 400 rabbits a month.
It’s a dirty job, but hey, someone’s got to do it… 😂😂😂
that is defintly a target rich invironment!!!
Hi Zeke,
I’m in New Zealand and European rabbits were introduced here over a hundred years ago. With no natural predators they have multiplied and spread to everywhere across the entire country, and to almost plague proportions in some areas.
I do professional pest control and shoot up to 400 rabbits a month.
It’s a dirty job, but hey, someone’s got to do it… 😂😂😂
I'd do pest control if we had that problem here lol
Vulcan 3 700mm
30 cal... 54gn slugs @ 976 fps

This poor guy took 2 hits. First shot offhand at 35 yards and just grazed his eye and he took off. I circled around where I thought he went by taking a ridge and actually found him.

He was about 30 yards now but no chances so I got prone and then he looked right at me, could tell it was him by his damaged eye and I took a shot and nothing! My magazine must have got stuck and didn't rotate the next slug so the chamber was empty and I just shot air :-/

I did have a chance for another shot and added another rabbit for the stew. I really gotta work on my offhand shooting. I hate bad hits.
