alpha chrony display replacement

can someone help me with a photo where these wires can all be shown as correctly soldered...this is my display where some wires were snapped.BTW the defective lcd screen is about to reach me from will solder it.but i need the correct wire color coded and where they go...someone who has alpha shooting chrony can just remove the display box cover to reveal this display....will be thankful for that

View attachment chrony 1 pdf.pdf
Here's where they go.

Here's a picture of one.
By the way. ALL the Shooting Chronies are wired like this. From the lowest Alpha to the highest Models with remote screen.
I've worked on all the versions at one time or another.

View attachment 340981
Hi..attempting to repair my alphachrony..can this picture be a bit more clearer so that i know which wire to be soldiered where..attaching my old display unit for can the old defective LCD display unit be removed,,any idea
