Daystate Alpha Wolf Performance vs regular Alpha Wolf

I'm aware that I suck at search so bear with me or point me at the right direction.

I have a few questions regarding Alpha Wolfs
New 28" barrel that comes with the Performance model, is it a dedicated slug barrel or is it a pellet barrel or something in between or maybe there are two different barrels to choose from (one for slugs, one for pellets)?

As per Daystate website, Performance model comes with "improved Ultra Fast-Flow Valve", regular Alpha Wolf has Fast Flow valve and as an upgrade Ultra Firing Valve can be bought. What is the difference in those three and would regular Alpha Wolf (i really like the looks of Safari) benefit from this upgrade if I buy Ultra Firing Valve?

Latest downloadable firmware is 1.5 years old. What is the benefit of longer barrels and two newer versions of valves if firmware doesn't know how to use those benefits?
I know that I can buy DTD and create my own profiles but for that price tag Daystate should have done that for me and continue updating firmware at least every 6 months.

Are there any other changes between new Performance models and regular Alpha Wolf?
Like bigger plenum, different (more modern) electronics, barrel clamp preinstalled...

I would like .25 cal, are there any disadvantages compared to .22 cal?
I don't care much about shot count, accuracy is much more important to me and if one calibre would be less accurate than the other.

Don’t know the answers to most of your questions but I do own a cpl year old regular delta wolf. Great gun overall but just a couple things to be pointed out if you have never messed with one. The factory mode is rather gimmicky. The computer searches for the speed you put in and it really isn’t that consistent especially if you are shooting a reg pressure that is mis matched to your projectile weight. It works but you can get a lot more consistency in advanced with a proper tune. Even in advanced mode what I said is true. The gun is almost marketed like there is magic going on inside and you can shoot any weight projectile by just pushing buttons and get great performance across the board. This is a little misleading. The gun will do it however it doesn’t defy physics. It acts like a mechanical gun really. Whatever you set the regulator for it is going to favor either a light projectile or heavy. Whatever it favors it will shoot super consistent with the right inputs but while it will shoot other projectiles the consistency gets bad the further you deviate from optimal projectile weight. Just like a mechanical gun will.
For example, mine at 150 bar (.25) will shoot 33.95 885-890 really consistent. If I input a tune for 25 gr on same reg pressure shot to shot speed opens up quite a bit. Just like a mechanical gun. The other negatives is there is no off switch and you cannot edit custom tunes. Overall I really like the gun. Shoots super nice and is easy to tune. In my opinion a bit over priced. If really good consistency is your game Skout will do everything this platform does cheaper. Sorry I couldn’t address specific differences but I hope this helps with insight into the platform.
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"you cannot edit custom tunes."
You most certainly can but there is not a button to do it. As described in multiple other threads... while you're in an Advanced mode set, unlock programming, go to Advanced, select New... it will populate with the Advanced set you're in... make the changes you want and hit Save... it will offer the nearest unused set but if you scroll to the one you want to change and select that, it will overwrite with the new parameters. Note that you'll need to actually go through Advanced again and select that set for it to become active. It goes quickly once you see what needs to be done. I can make a change in mine while sitting on the lane in FT and still shoot the lane under the time limit easily.

On the OP questions, there's no difference between the Alpha and Delta except the stock but I've not been involved since the into of the performance model option so am not sure about ACTUAL (not marketing speak) differences. Note that the 28" barrels I have are 1 in 30 twist and not suited for slugs so if you want to shoot slugs, check on the twist rate of the "slug barrel"...
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"you cannot edit custom tunes."
You most certainly can but there is not a button to do it. As described in multiple other threads... while you're in an Advanced mode set, unlock programming, go to Advanced, select New... it will populate with the Advanced set you're in... make the changes you want and hit Save... it will offer the nearest unused set but if you scroll to the one you want to change and select that, it will overwrite with the new parameters. Note that you'll need to actually go through Advanced again and select that set for it to become active. It goes quickly once you see what needs to be done. I can make a change in mine while sitting on the lane in FT and still shoot the lane under the time limit easily.

On the OP questions, there's no difference between the Alpha and Delta except the stock but I've not been involved since the into of the performance model option so am not sure about ACTUAL (not marketing speak) differences. Note that the 28" barrels I have are 1 in 30 twist and not suited for slugs so if you want to shoot slugs, check on the twist rate of the "slug barrel"...
Yes but you can’t just write over it as you have to name it something else thus creating a new set. Then you end up with 100 to delete at the end or I just delete what was there first and use the same name. Yes it takes you back so the adjustment is easy, but you still have the extra step at some point. You should be able to edit without creating a new set. It’s a minor thing but a bit annoying. The no power off button is super annoying and it amazes me it bothers no one else but I’ve never read or heard anyone else bring it up 🤷‍♂️. I do love the gun for sure though. Shoots good and I kind of want an alpha wolf 😀
Don’t quote me OP but I think you have to choose a slug twist rate barrel separate 🤷‍♂️. Just an opinion again but those are super new and I personally would wait and not invest in this platform yet if slugs were my main focus. If you are a pellet shooter these produce a bunch of power without the ultra valve. I am slighted toward .25 I just like it but I believe A of A has some left over regular A wolf guns in .22 for 2700 dollars. What I would snag if I was going to buy one.
I'm aware that I suck at search so bear with me or point me at the right direction.

I have a few questions regarding Alpha Wolfs
New 28" barrel that comes with the Performance model, is it a dedicated slug barrel or is it a pellet barrel or something in between or maybe there are two different barrels to choose from (one for slugs, one for pellets)?

As per Daystate website, Performance model comes with "improved Ultra Fast-Flow Valve", regular Alpha Wolf has Fast Flow valve and as an upgrade Ultra Firing Valve can be bought. What is the difference in those three and would regular Alpha Wolf (i really like the looks of Safari) benefit from this upgrade if I buy Ultra Firing Valve?

Latest downloadable firmware is 1.5 years old. What is the benefit of longer barrels and two newer versions of valves if firmware doesn't know how to use those benefits?
I know that I can buy DTD and create my own profiles but for that price tag Daystate should have done that for me and continue updating firmware at least every 6 months.

Are there any other changes between new Performance models and regular Alpha Wolf?
Like bigger plenum, different (more modern) electronics, barrel clamp preinstalled...

I would like .25 cal, are there any disadvantages compared to .22 cal?
I don't care much about shot count, accuracy is much more important to me and if one calibre would be less accurate than the other.

Talk to AOA. Alpha Wolfs built after March 2023 were supposed to have the Ultra Valve, so there should be no upcharge. Only old stock shouldn’t have it. Check with them before buying.
Yes but you can’t just write over it as you have to name it something else thus creating a new set. Then you end up with 100 to delete at the end or I just delete what was there first and use the same name.
Maybe you should try it before you make such a statement...
I modify mine and save to the name I want to edit frequently and have done it hundreds of times... so do the people I've shown...
I do agree a power off control would be desirable... the Red Wolf is the same way but at least it doesn't use as much battery...
Talk to AOA. Alpha Wolfs built after March 2023 were supposed to have the Ultra Valve, so there should be no upcharge. Only old stock shouldn’t have it. Check with them before buying.
This is correct, my Delta HP did not include an ultra valve. However, the update is very simple.

Note that the 28" barrels I have are 1 in 30 twist and not suited for slugs so if you want to shoot slugs, check on the twist rate of the "slug barrel"...

You can get pallet or slug specific 28” barrels from Daystate. Please see the link below
This is correct, my Delta HP did not include an ultra valve. However, the update is very simple.

You can get pallet or slug specific 28” barrels from Daystate. Please see the link below
Yes I understand that they market it... there's no reference in the order form for twist rate and all I was saying is to check before buying. The 30 cal I have for my RW is 1 in 30" but has shown good results with 49 gn NSA's, the heaviest I've tried. The 22 and 25 will be unlikely duplicate that in 1 in 30 twist...
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Yes but you can’t just write over it as you have to name it something else thus creating a new set. Then you end up with 100 to delete at the end or I just delete what was there first and use the same name. Yes it takes you back so the adjustment is easy, but you still have the extra step at some point. You should be able to edit without creating a new set. It’s a minor thing but a bit annoying. The no power off button is super annoying and it amazes me it bothers no one else but I’ve never read or heard anyone else bring it up 🤷‍♂️. I do love the gun for sure though. Shoots good and I kind of want an alpha wolf 😀

You just go back one and choose the custom setup marked red and overwrite it 👍😃 No need to add an additional setup 👍😃
Don’t know the answers to most of your questions but I do own a cpl year old regular delta wolf. Great gun overall but just a couple things to be pointed out if you have never messed with one. The factory mode is rather gimmicky. The computer searches for the speed you put in and it really isn’t that consistent especially if you are shooting a reg pressure that is mis matched to your projectile weight. It works but you can get a lot more consistency in advanced with a proper tune. Even in advanced mode what I said is true. The gun is almost marketed like there is magic going on inside and you can shoot any weight projectile by just pushing buttons and get great performance across the board. This is a little misleading. The gun will do it however it doesn’t defy physics. It acts like a mechanical gun really. Whatever you set the regulator for it is going to favor either a light projectile or heavy. Whatever it favors it will shoot super consistent with the right inputs but while it will shoot other projectiles the consistency gets bad the further you deviate from optimal projectile weight. Just like a mechanical gun will.
For example, mine at 150 bar (.25) will shoot 33.95 885-890 really consistent. If I input a tune for 25 gr on same reg pressure shot to shot speed opens up quite a bit. Just like a mechanical gun. The other negatives is there is no off switch and you cannot edit custom tunes. Overall I really like the gun. Shoots super nice and is easy to tune. In my opinion a bit over priced. If really good consistency is your game Skout will do everything this platform does cheaper. Sorry I couldn’t address specific differences but I hope this helps with insight into the platform.
Thank you for your reply!
I'm familiar with the platform, I had Air Wolf with helliboard and I had Alpha Wolf shortly, it had to go back.
I'm familiar with the tuning proces and limitations it has when the reg is far from optimal for a specific pellet weight.

I'm not looking for a magical gun, just wanted to know basic differences between latest two models
And I already have SKOUT Epoch
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"you cannot edit custom tunes."
You most certainly can but there is not a button to do it. As described in multiple other threads... while you're in an Advanced mode set, unlock programming, go to Advanced, select New... it will populate with the Advanced set you're in... make the changes you want and hit Save... it will offer the nearest unused set but if you scroll to the one you want to change and select that, it will overwrite with the new parameters. Note that you'll need to actually go through Advanced again and select that set for it to become active. It goes quickly once you see what needs to be done. I can make a change in mine while sitting on the lane in FT and still shoot the lane under the time limit easily.

On the OP questions, there's no difference between the Alpha and Delta except the stock but I've not been involved since the into of the performance model option so am not sure about ACTUAL (not marketing speak) differences. Note that the 28" barrels I have are 1 in 30 twist and not suited for slugs so if you want to shoot slugs, check on the twist rate of the "slug barrel"...
Thank you for additional info!
I'm not overly interested in slug, I shoot pellets 90% of the time so pellet barrel is what I'm interested in.
Talk to AOA. Alpha Wolfs built after March 2023 were supposed to have the Ultra Valve, so there should be no upcharge. Only old stock shouldn’t have it. Check with them before buying.
Thank you for the info!
I'm from EU so won't be buying from AOA but it doesn't hurt to ask EU distributors
Only difference is US customer services are on a higher level regarding technical knowledge
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Thank you for your reply!
I'm familiar with the platform, I had Air Wolf with helliboard and I had Alpha Wolf shortly, it had to go back.
I'm familiar with the tuning proces and limitations it has when the reg is far from optimal for a specific pellet weight.

I'm not looking for a magical gun, just wanted to know basic differences between latest two models
And I already have SKOUT Epoch
Good deal. I didn’t realize it would let you write over a tune so that is good. I would personally wait until the slug barrels prove themselves personally having read QC problems with .25 and .30 pellet barrels. I think the Skout platform is a bit more proven in the slug realm.