Daystate Alpha wolf slow first shot

Well as the title says my alpha wolf has a slow first shot. Anytime the ecu powers off, when I cycle the safety and shoot the first shot is 20-50fps slower than my setting. Both in factory mode and, it will do the same in the advanced mode. Has anyone experienced this? It shots great after the first shot. I bought the gun used from airguns of Arizona and the test card they sent with the gun shows the same thing. This happens if i set the power off to 1 min it'll still do it with the reg pressure reading 122bar where it is set so it's not a regular pressure problem. Any thoughts?
It's your lucky day. Been hatched out in detail. The Search feature is your friend. Hint 135 max reg pressure will cover your needs up to .30 cal.
I have set the reg up how @Centercut said to I'm at 122 bar 30 cal at 875fps and its only when the gun goes to sleep. If I set the timer for 30sec it shuts off I flip it on and shoot around 20fps under target speed if it don't time out it shoots very consistent. I just checked the gun it's been sitting for about 10 hrs reg has went up to 125bar I'm 99.9% sure it's not a pressure thing I do need to check to see what firmware I have in the gun was just hoping for someone with experience with this problem maybe the gun needs to go back I don't know was trying to avoid shipping it back to aoa I just got it Wednesday
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Two different people have suggested lowering the reg.

I've had much more experience with a Ghost than an Alpha/Delta, but the valve is the same in both platforms For the way the valve behaves when installed in a Ghost, you want the lowest reg pressure that'll achieve your desired fps for that particular projectile.

Trying to run with a higher-than-necessary regulator pressure = low fps on first/cold shots.
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I got a bit more info on this issue from the tech specialist at AOA. I see the same issue with my gun in both speed-regulated and advanced modes on either pellets or slugs. He says the issue acts like the valve is a little sticky on tie first shot after resting for a while. If you are using the advanced settings, the voltage setting and the regulator pressure need to be adjusted together because this problem gets worse if you have too low a voltage setting for a given regulator pressure. If you lower the voltage, you must reduce the pressure. I'm going to try starting with one of the built-in sets and moving voltage and regulator pressure in roughly the same proportion. The advantage of this approach is that you can increase the shot count quite a lot for a small reduction in velocity/energy. The factory-installed sets can be a guide.
Here's a follow up from my tests. Starting with the 2225 set that comes with the gun, I was getting 970-975 FPS from JSB Monster .22, with some pretty substantial variability in velocity, and shot count seemed limited to less than 100 shots. So I reduced regulator pressure from 145 to 130, voltage from 72.5 to 68, and increased dwell from 2900 to 3000. Now no slow first-shot. Here's a test using a Garmin Xero Chrono at the muzzle, with silencer on. It shot nice one-hole groups just about .15" below where the faster set put them. I see 92% correlation between the Alpha Wolf's chrono and the Garmin, and the difference in the averages is easily the result of pellets passing through the suppressor. Nice!
Chronograph Test Results​
PelletJSB Monster .22VoltageDwellRegulator
ShotGun ChronoXero
Gun Chrono Offset fps
Could it be because of a small creep in the regulator?

Its the same problem on many fx airguns.
The reg creeps 2-4bar after x period of time. When the hammer then hits the valve its 2-4 bar "harder" and does open that much - resulting in a fps drop. Next shot the valve havent got x period of time to creep and fps is spot on due to correct reg pressure