I recieved my Altaros (De Luxe) booster today and tried it out right away.
I ran a 9liter bottle from 280bar to 330bar in under an hour and the Altaros never missed a beat.
This is the finest piece of equipment i have bought in the past 30+ years
Cant wait for my .50 Texan airhog to arrive so i can put the Altaros to work again and try the regulator i also bought to feed the gun.
My Yong Heng will live a sad life in the back of a cupboard from now on.
I ran it off a big shop compressor at work and tried to stop-start it with full pressure in the system and it never ever blinked at that.
I will buy a quiert home compressor and hook it up to a rather large storage tank and run the Altaros from there. I will fit a pressure switch to the tank to stop the Altaros from working when pressure drops and the compressor is running. That way i can keep pressure up with limited supply and not do a Chernobyl on the compressor.
This is a fine tool that i can highly recommend (no im not on the take from Altaros).
The top model in the blue steel box comes with a pressure switch that simply stops the booster at set pressure, so it's "fire and forget" technology and can run without supervision. Whats not to like about that?