I recently placed an order to Altaros for a regulator for my AirForce TalonSS. I just knew Altaros for selling regulators and in doing a search on another website for Altaros regulators found a post about this Altaros Compressor Booster Unit. I don't have a Shoebox or anything similar but this Altaros unit appears to have some good things going for it. Cost is about $625 US but price alone is not necessarily something to go by. It supposedly runs very cool and takes even less maintenance than the Shoebox. I would say for those interested to check out the site and look at the performance notes and videos. I have just started to watch the video where he is filling a 74 cubic foot tank. I watched another video where he filled an Airforce bottle from about 1500psi to 3000psi I believe in about 5 minutes. Those with more knowledge than me might be able to assess the quality and performance of this unit. Bill