Benjamin Altarous died, so Huma or Lane regulator?

I have an Altarous regulator, in a Marauder, that leaks. When you fill gun to 3,000psi, regulator is at 1600psi. It slowly creeps to fill pressure. You can shoot 5 shots and it goes back to 1600psi but slowly creeps to fill pressure. I have changed all o-rings about 5 times and no joy. The regulator is 9 months old. When l got it and installed in gun, l wasn't impressed with the strings, l was getting. Put gun in safe to work on later (bad move). Altarous told me how to read regulator pressure instead of fill pressure. This showed me why string were not good. Instructions say not to take regulator apart as only Altarous can do it properly. They have no interest in me sending it in so l'm out of luck. I am looking to replace the Altarous with a Huma or lane. Any down side to either one? Thanks, Don
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When you fill gun to 3,000psi, regulator is at 1600psi. It slowly creeps to fill pressure. You can shoot 5 shots and it goes back to 1600psi but slowly creeps to fill pressure.
Did your reseal job include the O-ring on the pressure adjuster? Over time, it will get hard and start slowly leaking, and causes precisely the symptom you are describing.
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Did your reseal job include the O-ring on the pressure adjuster? Over time, it will get hard and start slowly leaking, and causes precisely the symptom you are describing.
Yes, l replaced it twice. I replaced the o-ring on the stem 3 times, the gauge block three times, reversed the gauge block twice. I can't make it better or worse. Don
I run a Lane regulator. It has a minor advantage in power output (10-15fps boost depending on tune) at the same regulator setting as a huma as it feeds more air during the shot cycle, as well as faster refill cycles between shots, however you cannot go wrong with either.

The disadvantage to the above is that the Lane reg feeds more air to the plenum at 3,000 psi than at 2,000 psi meaning the fill pressure may experience a few fps more than the refill pressure, however that could be mitigated by reducing the orifices that feed the regulator to replicate the behavior of a huma, which results in primarily slower refilling of the plenum between shots.

Best of luck,
The Huma in my Caiman arrived with too much lube in the belleville washers and none on the O ring in the adjuster. So it stopped working at all. But when I cleaned it up and lubed the dry O-ring it started working great. Huma will help you work on your regulator, they even sell a reasonably priced rebuild kit. I don't know who messed up the original assembly of mine but I'd rather not do business with somebody that thinks I'm too stupid to take their stuff apart and put it back together.