Altering Lee Molds

Immediately thought of Dragon Claw ammo. Need a mini lathe:

If your gonna get a lathe don't waste your money on a small get a big one maybe a 9x40 or 32x56
14" x 40" - 50" gap bed ( Pull gap and almost 20" swing ) is about the sweet spot with as big a hole through the head as possible. 32"swing is a very large lathe. 90% of work is with in a foot of the chuck, hence that is the most worn area of the ways.. Something in that large swing will likely be big old iron and that can be a can of worms refurbishing it as well as pricey. ( labor of love) Most of the time will also be 3 ph 220/440v power. I have a small machine shop been cranking on firesticks for some 50 years. I have a few machines that are older than my self and I am 73, been around the block a few times.
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