Hey man- I live in Palm Beach, been down this hole before, seems that what is allowed on the scene is based on what the city, community, or responding police officer feels is right so since I like to plink on my property, I always keep a copy of the Florida State Statue laws regarding air guns/bb guns, etc. near me and with me when shooting in case an officer is unaware of the laws re. air/pellet/bb gun usage, age limits, etc. You find them in "Florida Statutes", helped me out a few times when "any type of gun hating" neighbors, (had snowbirds from England living next door and the brits HATE any type of gun as it scares them since their country is VERY strict), called police when I was showing my 9-year-old how to shoot an old Daisy spring loaded bb gun! Amazing how little most law enforcement types know about air gun laws and how many people dislike our hobby.
Always remember though, if in a situation, respect, calm and listen to what you are told, a responding officer ALWAYS has the right of onsite decision making and you want to be on their good side and not argue as they are just doing their job or may have had a bad day, AND you have the law to show them, hopefully!
Florida is one of the BEST states re. this issue, so enjoy, but as another post said, always check with local PD as to what is and what is not allowed.
Good luck!