Do not get me started.The seller should disclose any known defects in the used air rifle. I find it interesting that the majority commenters think otherwise. With some saying, that getting a defective product comes with the risk of buying used, at a discount. Yet, at the same time -- these members --disagree with disclosing the seller's identity, for risk of "smearing" the seller's name. I find that to be contradictory. If non-disclosure of defects in used products is acceptable, why is it a "smear" to disclose the seller?
Nevertheless, I find the comments to be very interesting and useful...I know who not to buy used items from based on the opinions here.
BTW: I've purchased maybe 40 PCPs, and never has any of them arrived with leaks.
I have gotten 2 rifles now that I have had to repair upon arrival, a phone call to each letting them know that I was going to repair it myself was all that happened, no bad feedback (would have been if they didn't answer) , no smearing , no nothing. Rifles should be function tested before shipment but if you want new, buy new. If buying used, ask for pictures of everything if you are nitpicky. I send 15 pics everytime I sell a rifle, I give a phone call, and a full description.
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