Am I sick?

I’m afraid I have airgunitus, I was shooting at mouse targets that I drew (like everyone else does) in my indoor pellet trap when I noticed too many pellets were coming out of the trap and landing on my bed. (Like everybody else I have a indoor range). The trap is on the bedroom wall, and I can get 17 yards from the back bathroom. When I took down the trap to clean it, I was amazed how heavy it was. And when I cleaned it out I sorta wondered if maybe I was kinda sick er something. Anyway, just thought I’d run it by all you folks... I’m ok aren’t I??
How do all of you dispose of that lead mixed stuff? I too have a pellet trap and been wondering what to do with the trash.

Your setup doesn't took like it makes too much lead dust You could sift it through 1/4" screen or burn the cardboard/paper pulp and collect the lead it leaves behind, then donate it to a reloader at the local range. 

I have a 10 yard bow and air gun range set up in the basement. The heavy duty pellet trap I use only collects the lead in the back of it, and I bin the "mouse nests" and lead dust it makes.
Thanks for all the support, I was almost convinced that I’m strange! I’ll simply carry on in full confidence that I’m nowhere near alone! Biohazardman, I can stop anytime too...such a big lie! Hitech, of course! I should have realized that it hit a branch...I’ve never pulled a shot or anything. Willie, you guys got me thinking about the lead dust... and I’m going to switch the range and shoot from the bedroom to the back bathroom. Thanks for bringing it up... I already have airgunitus and don’t want lead poisoning as well!