I was changing scopes on my AR Challenger HFT and started using BKL rings against my better judgement, and couldn't get the base to tighten, it had galled in the aluminum and was no going any further. I took it out and lubed it and proceeded to round off the socket head trying to tighten it. I had already pinched them in til they would barely fit on the dovetail, and when I rounded off the socket, they were almost tight. Thankfully, I was able to use an easy out and get the ring loose enough to slide off, but what a p*ss poor way of doing things. I think I have three or four sets of them, so if anyone wants them, they can have them. I'm sick of this happening.
OK, that's my rant for the day, I feel better.
OK, that's my rant for the day, I feel better.