Brocock/BRK An actual..."carbine", NOT, a shoulder stocked pistol

Here's a better picture to see better how short the gun actually is -
The camera is more "centered" over the gun. It was mentioned to me by one of our good members, that this might be a more, telling picture.


Here's a better picture to see better how short the gun actually is -
The camera is more "centered" over the gun. It was mentioned to me by one of our good members, that this might be a more, telling picture.

View attachment 529821

As others have stated, great job on your conversion!
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One things for sure, we are going to see what kind of engine Brocock put in that thing. Your barrel is 2.5” shorter than an Evol mini. Might be a blessing if it shoots Crosman 14.3’s like Brococks are known to. Can’t wait to see where you wind up.
IME, cutting a barrel down makes them much louder and obviously less power.

We need to see chrony numbers and maybe decibel readings. I'm sure it's got a bark to it with an 8 inch barrel and only 2 mod sections.

I bet the energy numbers will be similar to a stock Pathfinder XR like mine. Somewhere in this vicinity.

CPHPs / TP High
Hi: 846 Low: 835 Avg: 841Std: 3 ES: 11 FPE: 22.4

CPHPs / TP Med
Hi: 836 Low: 829 Avg: 834Std: 2.27 ES: 7 FPE: 22

CPHPs / TP Low
Hi: 794. Low: 784 Avg: 789Std: 3.36 ES: 10 FPE: 19.7

JSB Exact Jumbo 18s/ TP High
Hi: 794 Low: 782 Avg: 788Std: 4.94 ES: 12 FPE: 24.8

A look at the barrel of my Pathfinder…
A carbine is as accurate as a rifle IF you somehow attach very securely 1kg of weight to the front of the barrel, all other things being equal. Rifle accuracy is massively improved by much higher rotational inertia in the vertical axis due to higher weight, and somewhat decreased by longer barrels being more flexible.
None of the squirrels or pest birds I've shot with my carbine or compacts have thought they were any less accurate than a full length gun.

In fact, off hand shooting, a full length air rifle with a heavy tube gives me accuracy issues do to the forward weight pulling me down on POA.
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Not gonna lie I was under the impression carbines were rifles that were able to shoot pistol ammo and somewhere along the way companies started marketing them as compact rifles then it just became a cool title to add so you could charge more.
That was always my understanding of it. If a 16" barrel is the cut off between rifle and pistol barrel in the eyes of you know who, then I guess all these guns in this thread are just pistols with a stock!

Sorry Mike!
That was always my understanding of it. If a 16" barrel is the cut off between rifle and pistol barrel in the eyes of you know who, then I guess all these guns in this thread are just pistols with a stock!

Sorry Mike!
Or, are they now rifles trying to identify as a pistol. The can has been opened. They might even start to lobby for their own gun safe.
Not gonna lie I was under the impression carbines were rifles that were able to shoot pistol ammo and somewhere along the way companies started marketing them as compact rifles then it just became a cool title to add so you could charge more.
Yep, the whole time I've been following this thread, I am reminded of my father's gun collection. He had three Winchester saddle carbines, a 32-20, a 38-40, and a 44-40, with matching caliber Colt(?) revolvers.
One things for sure, we are going to see what kind of engine Brocock put in that thing. Your barrel is 2.5” shorter than an Evol mini. Might be a blessing if it shoots Crosman 14.3’s like Brococks are known to. Can’t wait to see where you wind up.
So far, just doing well with the same ol JSB 18.1 pellets, accuracy wise. Though I have not checked the speed with the new pistol length barrel yet. Maybe today or tomorrow.
Right now the adjuster is on the second from the top position. That was a good position with the original 17" length. 800+fps., this is what I set most of my guns to if they are capable.

If the speed is too far below that, I'll give the lighter pellets a try.
