I mentioned this in another topic but think it would be best to separate out the idea and post it in the right place. First I am not taking credit for this idea as its basics are based on a bow competition, but I think it could be carried over into air gun competition fairly easy and at least in my eyes be a blast. I wanted to see what others think and perhaps see if some would channel the idea to those that host air gun competitions. The basic idea is to put the shooter in real life hunting situations that challenges the shooter to shoot outside his comfort zone. Further instead of bull's eye you are shooting kill zone score, head, lung, double lung , heart, ETC Many of the targets are placed so that when the shooter is in the shooting square parts of the animal and or kill zones are shielded by brush or trees. The shooter is shooting range unknown that is to say they cannot use a range finder and have to use their best judgment. The shooter has a time limit to identify his targets in the lane and knock them down by killzone shots, they can choose not to shoot at a target but if they take the shot and hit a non vital zone of the target they get points deducted from there score. In the bow competition there is only one target in each lane but for air gun I would say three to four placed through the lane at different yardages and angles partially hidden or shielded by cover would make for some real challenged shooting. The shots are made off hand or can only use existing rest at the sqaure ( trees or side of building or such) and the shooter cannot see the lanes until it's his turn to shoot the lane. They may shoot from any position as long as they shoot from the square