Your are certainly welcome Phil. I owned a Wildcat MKII .30 cal. for most of this last year...I bought it to learn on so I could help other guys with theirs. And having now owned both the Wildcat MKII .30 and now the Impact MKII .30 I recommend the Impact MKII .30 hands down. I am very happy you decided to wait awhile and think it over before you spent your money on a gun, and tuning, and shipping, etc, and then wish you had gotten the Impact. I used to think I couldn't afford an I know I can't possibly afford not to own one.
The Impact MKII has the power, adjustability, balance, simplicity, points naturally & effortlessly, is so simple to work on, and to me is superior in every way. I have disassembled and reassembled my gun over a dozen times in the last month, and even looking at it all apart that many times I am yet to find even one single thing to really criticize. This is the most well thought out - most powerful - and one of the most accurate airguns I have ever had the honor and great pleasure to work on, shoot, and own.
There is only one improvement that I would have recommended, and that was to increase the plenum size by using a larger offset plenum - which FX has just done. The only option I would like to see FX offer on this gun would be an adapter that would allow the use of a 480 cc air tube, like the Bobcat .25 and .30 cal., for guys like me that don't like the looks of the air bottle. I have always thought air bottles were ugly and promptly made some neoprene covers for mine. I will show you a picture of her below...
So Phil, to you and everyone else reading this that respects my opinion on this subject, I once again encourage you in the strongest terms possible to get an Impact MKII. You can buy one today and worry about having it retrofitted with the new Power Plenum later if you please. And who knows...maybe FX will give their dealers permission to sell off their current stock of Impacts at a discounted price to allow them to clear out the old ones to make room for the new ones...with the understanding than anyone that buys one on clearance will have the option of getting on the list to have it retrofitted with the upgraded plenum later if they choose. But there are a lot of guys that will buy an Impact and use it as is and never upgrade it to the larger plenum whom I am sure would appreciate the opportunity to get one on clearance at a little 10% discount...hint hint.
Here is picture of my baby Phil...and as you can see for yourself I modify things to please myself, without a second thought about reselling her because I never will.
All the best to you Phil and Happy New Year to all, Chuck