Managed to get away early Tuesday morning for a spot of pest control on a farm about 100km north of Cape Town.
This is a large, just under 20,000 acres farm with a number of birds and animals to be controlled.
On the list at the moment are:
- Guinea Fowl
- Spurwing Goose
- Egyptian Goose
- Crows
- Cape Hare
- Porcupine
- Caracal (there is one currently known to take lambs and the owner asked to be on the lookout for it - I will generally not shoot these if they do not take lambs).
In between hunting there is excellent fishing to be had as well.
It is not the easiest farm to hunt, with a lot of walking and ambushing during the day, and quite a bit of very slow driving using using a spotlight at night required.
This was quite successful once again.
I use two rifles.
- FX Dreamline Classic Walnut .22 with an Element Helix 6-24x50 FFP scope and H&N 23gr slugs.
- Kral Puncher Empire with a Hawke Vantage 3-9x50 AO scope and JSB Hades 15.89gr pellets.
Tuesday evening/night...
Wednesday evening/night... (spotted the Caracal but did not have opportunity for a sure, clean shot).
And just some random photos...
This is a large, just under 20,000 acres farm with a number of birds and animals to be controlled.
On the list at the moment are:
- Guinea Fowl
- Spurwing Goose
- Egyptian Goose
- Crows
- Cape Hare
- Porcupine
- Caracal (there is one currently known to take lambs and the owner asked to be on the lookout for it - I will generally not shoot these if they do not take lambs).
In between hunting there is excellent fishing to be had as well.
It is not the easiest farm to hunt, with a lot of walking and ambushing during the day, and quite a bit of very slow driving using using a spotlight at night required.
This was quite successful once again.
I use two rifles.
- FX Dreamline Classic Walnut .22 with an Element Helix 6-24x50 FFP scope and H&N 23gr slugs.
- Kral Puncher Empire with a Hawke Vantage 3-9x50 AO scope and JSB Hades 15.89gr pellets.
Tuesday evening/night...
Wednesday evening/night... (spotted the Caracal but did not have opportunity for a sure, clean shot).
And just some random photos...