I'm looking at .30 PCPs to do some long range plinking. I've played with powder burners in the past. Looking to play around 200+ yards. The top of my list is currently the RAW HM1000x, but I'm open to suggestions.
@MinusWhale Welcome to AGN. I haven’t shot out that far with an air rifle so I don’t want to suggest anything. However, poking around the following forum may provide more insight into long range shooting with airguns so you can see what others are using.I'm looking at .30 PCPs to do some long range plinking. I've played with powder burners in the past. Looking to play around 200+ yards. The top of my list is currently the RAW HM1000x, but I'm open to suggestions.
The Airfiorce guns are tempting. I can't get past those looks and prefer a wood or laminate stock.airforce texan LSS would be my top pick.. I've been enjoying my 22 caliber Condor's and they are so simple..
happy New Year and welcome to the forum
Appreciate that. I've been poking around a little but hadn't run across that yet!@MinusWhale Welcome to AGN. I haven’t shot out that far with an air rifle so I don’t want to suggest anything. However, poking around the following forum may provide more insight into long range shooting with airguns so you can see what others are using.
Welcome to the best AGNI'm looking at .30 PCPs to do some long range plinking. I've played with powder burners in the past. Looking to play around 200+ yards. The top of my list is currently the RAW HM1000x, but I'm open to suggestions.
First PCP. I've had various other airguns over the years of course. The only one I still have an a Diana 52 in .177 though.Welcome to the best AGN
Is this going to be your first PCP ? I am asking since you just joined the forum .
HMMM, at that distance. I'd suggest AGT Vulcan 3, Epic 2 , RTI mora all 700mm barrel versions. The RAW is a real nice gun too, but I was led to believe it may be a little shy on power for those distances.I'm looking at .30 PCPs to do some long range plinking. I've played with powder burners in the past. Looking to play around 200+ yards. The top of my list is currently the RAW HM1000x, but I'm open to suggestions.
I did look at the Vulcan 3, but I'm not sure how comfortable I would be with a bullpup. They just feel a little awkward to me when shooting. I don't believe the Epic Two is available in .30 but I'll look around some more.HMMM, at that distance. I'd suggest AGT Vulcan 3, Epic 2 , RTI mora all 700mm barrel versions. The RAW is a real nice gun too, but I was led to believe it may be a little shy on power for those distances.
Your correct on the epic 2 30 cal, I'm still waiting for the barrel to become available.. The bullpup issue would also leave off the mora.I did look at the Vulcan 3, but I'm not sure how comfortable I would be with a bullpup. They just feel a little awkward to me when shooting. I don't believe the Epic Two is available in .30 but I'll look around some more.
My other thought is to get a Hatsan Factor Sniper and rework it to something I like. That's straight into tinkering though and I'd like to have something that shoots well to start to compare to. I know the Hatsan isn't on the same level as any of those mentioned.
yes I prefer the looks and form of the wood stock too.. I'm into cowboy guns and my favorite is the Henry Golden boy..The Airfiorce guns are tempting. I can't get past those looks and prefer a wood or laminate stock.
I plan on this first PCP being somewhat ready to go out of the box. I do have a mill and lathe though and plan on picking up some others to tinker with after time.
I'm still looking at options so it's not totally ruled out. Appreciate the input.yes I prefer the looks and form of the wood stock too.. I'm into cowboy guns and my favorite is the Henry Golden boy..
however you get a very simple and one of the most powerful PCP guns in the airforce. I don't think there's a more simple and reliable design at least from what I have seen and not much of anything that compares with the power level.
That was one of my reasons for choosing .30 over .25 or .22.I wont suggest any particular gun but will advise that you get something with a proven track record of shooting slugs and doing a great job of it. Pellets in any caliber are not meant for such distances, are highly susceptible to wind and due to poor BC’s suffer very challenging trajectories.
not all air gun barrels shoot slugs well and some will only shoot one type well.