Another post reminded me of a funny story

I bought a used airgun from an individual online, the guy also included a few tins of pellets with it.

When the package arrived, the barrel of the gun was sticking out of a gaping hole in the box by about 6-8“ and the UPS driver told he would need me to open it and check the contents. Upon opening it, the guy had put the bare gun in the box, with zero packing material, just gun and box! He had stacked the pellet tins and taped them together with blue masking tape, completely covering them. So loose gun and loose pellets in an otherwise empty box. We quickly cut the box open to find the beautifully wood stocked DS Huntsman in absolutely perfect condition, no kidding! Not a mark on it. In the past i've posted pics of it saying it was the most beautiful stock on a DS i'd ever seen. How it survived with the pellets bouncing around is amazing. The UPS driver was also amazed and took pics of it to show his buddies.

The rest of the story is my next door neighbor saw the stock and had to have it, so i later sold it to him. Now, he's not the type to take care of things and the last time i saw that gorgeous gun, that had made a long UPS ride bare in a box, it looked like it had been drug behind a car! More damage done in a few hundred yards from my house to his than shipping across country... go figure!
I can't understand people who want a beautiful stock and then abuse it. I can understand treating a gun like a tool, and not a piece of art, and bad things happening as a result, but not if they wanted it because it was beautiful to start with. Just get a synthetic stock if available, I guess with that gun it isn't, so maybe it is what it is. If Daystate doesn't want to put their baby in a synthetic diaper, some people will have it looking like what's inside a diaper.
This is just a theory but if I put myself in the shoes of a UPS employee, I might know what happened. If I would see something fragile sticking out of a box and hear it in there flopping around, I would probably handle it with care. Now a solid box, I’ll fire that sucker into the truck or onto that conveyor thing and never think twice.
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TRUTH, stranger than fiction! It amazes me how some people "care" for their equipment. 8 years dragging my stuff out hunting & there's nary a scratch, but I'm obsessive & anal about caring for things I can't afford to replace.
I’m the same way, Gerry, and becoming more and more anal about taking care of what I own. I grew up poor, so the few things I can afford that I consider luxury and am greatful to own, I take pristine care of. Back when I worked, I always looked at something I purchased as something earned with a lot of back breaking sweat. That’s why I’ve never gone up to the casinos ever to gamble. I worked too hard for my paycheck, to just hand it over to someone over a stupid card game
Yowza. I guess others don’t keep their stuff in cases like most of us here do 99.9% of their life. My PP700 is a utility gun that i never will get rid of. It was a platform I started my AG work on, so it is a battered banged up gun, but all those marks are memories of my AG journey. The BullShark I bought used in pieces is a designated truck gun also, as the previous owner had heavy hands; and who appeared to use channel locks as a primary tool 😂.