Just finished up a regulated P-rod for a customer. After the wonderful results with my own regulated P-rod, I was excited to do another!! The Huma P-rod regulator from Nick at Air Superiority is one of the best add ons you could purchase for your P-rod. This gun arrived not shooting and the owner was unsure what was wrong. It ended up being a broken valve poppet. I tore the gun down to replace the poppet and give all the parts my usual Marauder treatment. I reassembled the gun and installed the regulator with the plenum spacer. I did not use the gauge block so that there was as much volume as possible in the little P-rod tube. The gun is now completed, scope remounted and sighted in, just waiting on a shroud ext so I can box it back up and ship back to the owner.
With H&N ftt's, The gun is getting 24 shots @710fps with an ES of 12 and an SD of 3.

With H&N ftt's, The gun is getting 24 shots @710fps with an ES of 12 and an SD of 3.