Any use helium?

"badammo"I found this youtube video, This guy is using helium with interesting results. I am wondering whether anyone else is using helium instead of high pressure air?
It is more commonly used in extreme big bore air guns for people that use .457 and 50 cal rifle to hunt bear and buffalo.

Check out the Extreme Big Bores site where they tell you the sort of performance people are getting with their rifles on helium (1600 fpe). 

There is limited benefit to it for most other types of air rifle. You can already make most 22 or 25 cal air rifles shoot pellets at speeds as fast as they could be accurate at with regular air. Helium is more expensive and harder to source at 4500 psi.

With that said, you can use helium in any PCP rifle and it will provide a meaningful increase in power (and noise). 
In the oil field, (I am sure there is a connection) when I tried to go with Nitrogen everyone thought I was nuts, gave me crazy things with chains and locks and on site inspections, Big cost for fills every month if I need it or not with add cost for inspection of the locks and chains,
And I ran a small Motorcycle shop out in my garage, Just my own bikes really,
But if I was to ask around about Helium I am 100% sure people in white coats would be chasing me around...
Tried it back in 2000 with the career 707II series .22 & .25 using PelletMan ammo, .65bc on some of the pellets. But then that was the old days when a factory rifle could shoot 999fps w43g and group decent ( hunting) out of the box and no one wanted power, they wanted shots!
Much more crack! WILL find a leak if any id present ( ANY ) , now costs a ton, the mer mention of said gas will get you banned on some forums ( UK power restrictions & all ).

Whatca trying to achieve?

Where in WA? We are North of Spokane.
