Other Anybody else having trouble with bidding on ebay?

Seattle area happened a month or so ago
i called but it will be easier to just open the door and scream
if there is a way to fix it, it is beyond me
so this is what happens
the seller has to check a bow that he will only ship to area that allow the item
and there is an option PELLET OR BB
now if the seller selects PELLET i get cut off and as i understand it if they select BB nothing happens
so, when you call Ebay they say the seller did it and if you email the seller, he will say he did nothing
he can't list the item without check the box and as soon as he does the number of buyer just got smaller
now we know that Washington DC has strict shipping and a county in Illinois named Washington and these can be found on Pryamyd Air
now that might be the answer Pryamyd Air
they have a huge store on Ebay and they sure as hell could get the clowns at Ebay to listen

so that is what i know and it sucks for sure
i Emailed PA at their Ebay store
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When I bid, this pops up. It has happened twice on two different air rifles.

Problem with bid​

Attention buyer
This seller does not ship to your location. Please contact the seller directly for more information.{e264364-1046564x}
Happened to me on a Gk1. Had to have someone else buy it for me. I'm in Southern Cali. 1st time it happened. I've been buying and selling airguns for years. Marflow 777 is likely correct. Seller claimed he didnt block california and didnt want to deal with it. Less bidders got a screaming deal.
I'm in California and I've spent over an hour with ebay customer service, talked with 3 different agents. They all told me they couldn't see any reason why I couldn't bid on different airgun listing's I gave them. If the sellers list the airguns as ammo or something else there's no restriction. I've learned to accept that I have enough airguns, plus they cost too much on ebay anyway. Not to go political but I have to say it or nothing will change. But the liberals (it's a one party state) have ruined a great state.
Having recently sold a few items on Ebay, I've come to the conclusion it is rife with obstacles, roadblocks, pitfalls and aggravations for sellers, too. Many of those obstacles, roadblocks and pitfalls are so well camouflaged they go unseen without investing hours in researching all the nooks and crannies of legalese gibberish all over Ebay. In my last three auctions bidders made mistakes that, in trying to help them out, cost me not only hours of frustration and aggravation, but money. 🤬

Hence, now when(ever) it comes down to helping bidders, I don't. Helping bidders is not sellers' cross to bear. Especially considering by the time Ebay takes their commission and this, that, and the other fees, no wonder we call it Fleabay.

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I was just informed that a potential customer couldn’t purchase my Izzy in LA. I need to find a way to let him know. It’s also on our forum right here for $100 less. I am thinking about sending him a picture of the Izzy with my phone number on a piece of paper underneath it.
If ebay catches that they'll suspend you
Seattle area happened a month or so ago
i called but it will be easier to just open the door and scream
if there is a way to fix it, it is beyond me
so this is what happens
the seller has to check a bow that he will only ship to area that allow the item
and there is an option PELLET OR BB
now if the seller selects PELLET i get cut off and as i understand it if they select BB nothing happens
so, when you call Ebay they say the seller did it and if you email the seller, he will say he did nothing
he can't list the item without check the box and as soon as he does the number of buyer just got smaller
now we know that Washington DC has strict shipping and a county in Illinois named Washington and these can be found on Pryamyd Air
now that might be the answer Pryamyd Air
they have a huge store on Ebay and they sure as hell could get the clowns at Ebay to listen

so that is what i know and it sucks for sure
i Emailed PA at their Ebay store
Amazon won't ship many gun related items to washington state. Not sure if it is Amazon or the seller
Hopefully from buying stuff also. That would save me at least half an hour a day spent checking out Airguns on eBay.
Good luck with that philosophy. I grumbled when I couldn't bid on a gun so thought of the bright side and how at least now I could stop looking......but I just can't help it!
Exact same thing happened to me on ebay a couple weeks ago. I live in the Seattle WA area and I got that exact message when I tried to "buy it now" on my ipad. Same thing on my desktop. For kicks I tried it on my iphone, it worked. I could not find any ordinance that forbid me from ordering it. I called Airguns of Arizona to see if they would ship to me anywhere in Washington. They told me that there were no restrictions that they knew of and could ship me an airgun.