Anyone else out there have a trusty dog by their side for hunting?


When I decided to welcome a Labrador into my life as my trusty airgun sidekick, I had visions of a classic gundog—one who would stand sentinel, mark, and retrieve with the grace of a seasoned professional. I certainly wasn’t expecting a furry dynamo with a predilection for chasing anything that dares to move swiftly. But if you believe the old chestnut that a dog often mirrors its owner, then Alfie, my lab, is a perfect match.

Alfie has taken to the air rifle like a duck to water. Mind you, the urge to bolt after anything that moves is still there, but at seven years old, his obedience is now on point. Off-lead, without a gun in sight, he’s like a greyhound at the races, chasing anything with a pulse. But stick him by my side with the scent of gun oil wafting through the air, and suddenly he’s the model gundog. He works a few yards ahead, ears swivelling, eyes darting, on the lookout for quarry. He has a cracking nose and an enthusiasm for diving into cover to flush out the bunnies. A mere whisper will drop him like a stone, letting me take my shot—and if I so much as raise the rifle to my shoulder, he stops and sits, anticipating the action.

Anyone else out there have a trusty dog by their side for hunting?
Both of My Labs were much the same. They Loved to hunt. Then I met the wife, She owned a Sheepdog and there was no comparison. Anyway both of our dogs passed away in August <old age>. So, a couple of weeks ago we rescued a Lab Mix. I have not yet taken her out to look for Critters yet, but I think She will be a lot like your Handsome Fellow!

Both of My Labs were much the same. They Loved to hunt. Then I met the wife, She owned a Sheepdog and there was no comparison. Anyway both of our dogs passed away in August <old age>. So, a couple of weeks ago we rescued a Lab Mix. I have not yet taken her out to look for Critters yet, but I think She will be a lot like your Handsome Fellow!

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It’s never easy losing a friend, especially a hunting companion. Here’s hoping you have loads of fun training your new mate and create a treasure trove of adventures together!
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