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Anyone ever use a HW50s for FT?

I am curious if anyone shoots field target with a HW50s and if so, how’d you do? I would like to try using my HW50s .177cal for FT and my Daystate Huntsman Revere .22cal for XFT in and around PA. Thoughts and opinions please.
lol some dude had a modified Gamo break barrel turned pistol with the original barrel with a red dot🤷‍♂️ at the HFT match. Anything is doable
Though I'm in the U.S., I know a good buddy in NZ uses his HW50 in field target events. He does well considering he's usually the only springer shooter.

Several Americans use 12 or 20 foot pound PISTOLS in rifle FT competitions, and often finish in the top quarter to half of the field(s). So don't be scared; just DO IT! 😂

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The 50S is more than accurate enough for FT. I'd probably put a different stock under but either way you should be able to score well
Accurate enough ... ( Spring gun relative +/- 90% ) Powerful enough ... IMO Not really :cautious:
Good place to start and have a damn good time, tho if the FT bug bites you, bank on moving on to a more capable rig.
It is more like 10.5 ft lbs. I struggled the match I shot mine at. It seemed like a big difference on the long targets compared to my HW97 and big scope.
Mine sits right out 12 with a kit. Without the kit we're talking 30fps difference.... Of course it isn't going to compete with a 97K though. Theres a nearly 2lb difference between the two which is one of the readons why my first recommendation was a new stock.

The guy has a 50S already from the sounds of it. I doubt hes looking to drop $700 on a new gun hence the post. His 50S will get him through the door.
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