FX Anyone have an FX Dynamic Compact Takedown?

I'm thinking about one in .177 as a truck gun, something light, compact and easy to carry. Anyone have any experience with one? Specifically in .177? Iterested in power, accuracy, efficiency and overall user experience. I've watched the YT video reviews, but was interested in real world thoughts and opinions. Thanks...

Dynamic Compact.png

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I'm thinking about one in .177 as a truck gun, something light, compact and easy to carry. Anyone have any experience with one? Specifically in .177? Iterested in power, accuracy, efficiency and overall user experience. I've watched the YT video reviews, but was interested in real world thoughts and opinions. Thanks...

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Out of curiosity, I purchased a .22 Dynamic Compact from Talon Tunes recently. The pressurized tank was easy to unscrew with only a very slight pop sound as it came loose. The rifle came with a test target and it was easy to assemble and comfortable enough considering that it uses the bottle as a cheek rest. I only fired a couple of test shots before deciding to sell it because I prefer my cocking handle on the left side and the dual pressure gauges prevent it from being moved to the left. So this isn't the review you'd hoped for but maybe there is some useful info in here for someone.

The FX YouTube video showing how to swap a Dynamic barrel makes it look more involved than swapping a barrel on Crown or something like that, due to the plenum in the Dynamic shroud which surrounds the barrel. If I'd planned to keep it I would have removed the M-Lok framework over the barrel for a simpler cosmetic look and to save some weight. I've been surprised by the airgun market's transition over the past couple of decades to airguns with all-metal 'tactical' look. It's certainly functional with lots of options for hanging on sights and lights etc.. But I still get the impression that tactical airguns are often designed to look that way so that people feel like they are going into battle with them instead of shooting at paper targets or local pests.

There is a huge amount of competition between different vendors' models in the compact hunting airgun field these days compared to when I got my first break barrel springer airgun about 60 years ago. I am at the point in my life of buying a couple or maybe three new (for me) airguns each year just to try them and to see how they compare to other airguns I've owned in the past. I rarely hold on to them for more than a year anymore, maybe two years, and then go into the classifieds so that someone else can have a chance to use them.

I'm going to post my new .22 Dynamic Compact Hunter in the classifieds later today. I already have a P-Rod in a custom wood thumbhole stock and a TalonSS on the way from the classifieds to 'replace' it. I've always wanted to try them but never had the opportunity before this. I'm adding this reflection for the younger readers of the forum who wonder how/why some people seem to keep selling lightly used airguns in the classifieds for a significant discount. Or why there are so many FX Impacts and other $1,500+ airguns frequently up for sale. Once a person gets 5 maybe 10 airguns they are often in a financial situation where they can buy (often used) and then sell them just for the pleasure of owning and comparing different models. For a while I was trying to sell 2 airguns for each new one I acquired just to simplify my life. Though now, through some twist of fate, I've managed to buy 2 more (used) airguns before I've even had a chance to sell the new Dynamic Compact I just got. I know that there are many of you out there in roughly the same situation. We are part of the reason that the AGN classifieds always seem to have such good deals on expensive and little-used airguns.

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That's a pretty sweet set-up you have there Scott! I have a Dream-Tac set up in .177 also, but it's outfitted with a 480cc bottle and 500mm barrel! It's accurate, ut a bit long for what I'm looking for.

The rear bottle isn't that big of an issue for me because I'm looking for a compact carbine than can be broken down. I'm more interested in the power the .177 Dynamic Compact is capable of. If it can make the same or more than my 500mm barreled Dream-Tac in that compact size, it'll fill the bill!
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I'm thinking about one in .177 as a truck gun, something light, compact and easy to carry. Anyone have any experience with one? Specifically in .177? Iterested in power, accuracy, efficiency and overall user experience. I've watched the YT video reviews, but was interested in real world thoughts and opinions. Thanks...

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If you don’t mind my asking, why .177? I have steered away from .177 for anything but 10 meter guns. Bigger hole and better in the ever present breeze along with more energy retained down range has me loving .25 these days. I am not knocking your choice but more wondering what I’m missing. I would enjoy the higher shot count afforded by .177 though.
Well, considering the size of the prey I’ll be after, mice, rats and the occasional squirrel, .177 seems to be sufficient. Also, my range varies from between 25 and 50 yards. With my Dream-Tac, set up with the 500mm barrel, there is no drop from 35 yards (zero range) and 50 yards. That flat trajectory makes it a lot easier for me because there is no holdover or under I need to worry about. That is if the Dynamic Compact can make the same power as my Dream-Tac. Plus, the mags hold more rounds, a tin holds more rounds and typically the gun will shoot more rounds between fills. This equates to less stuff to pack, less weight to pack and more time in the field shooting between reloads and refills. But, hey, that’s just my thinking, I could be totally off base!
I loved my .25 impact for long range pellets, I found the 33.95 kings were very accurate at distances of 80yards and beyond and seemed to buck the wind better than the 25gr kings. Most of my shooting time is spent in my yard now days and my targets are 70 and under so I shoot mostly .22 cal. They are cheaper per tin and use less air to propel. I do own a .20 HW 95 that's fun at shorter distances with Iron sights. (FLgunner) let us know how you like the Dynamic in 177 if and when you get it.
Well, considering the size of the prey I’ll be after, mice, rats and the occasional squirrel, .177 seems to be sufficient. Also, my range varies from between 25 and 50 yards. With my Dream-Tac, set up with the 500mm barrel, there is no drop from 35 yards (zero range) and 50 yards. That flat trajectory makes it a lot easier for me because there is no holdover or under I need to worry about. That is if the Dynamic Compact can make the same power as my Dream-Tac. Plus, the mags hold more rounds, a tin holds more rounds and typically the gun will shoot more rounds between fills. This equates to less stuff to pack, less weight to pack and more time in the field shooting between reloads and refills. But, hey, that’s just my thinking, I could be totally off base!
That’s the answer I was looking for. I have never owned or considered .177 for a PCP. I have actually passed up great deals on .177 PCPs. To me springers make more power with light pellets and heavier pellets are free horsepower in PCPs. I guess I will need to give the caliber a try.
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I got an Airmaks Krait standard in .177 for the exact same reason you are looking at the compact. I have 10.34 JSBs going out at 950fps and it is very accurate and I get more shots in a fill then I can use in one pesting session. I have an STO Falx on it and the only sounds you hear are the hammer hitting the valve pin and the pest you just hit! It’s very light and I literally have it in my truck.
I'm sure they will eventually have a barrel swap kit for it, if I'm still wanting .177 at that time, I can always convert it at a later date. In the mean time, the more I thought about it, the more I realized I had way more .22 ammo on hand than I do .177, so no need to go buy ammo for a while. Besides, as much as I kept telling myself I wanted .177, I also kept questioned if that would be the best choice!
I'm sure they will eventually have a barrel swap kit for it, if I'm still wanting .177 at that time, I can always convert it at a later date. In the mean time, the more I thought about it, the more I realized I had way more .22 ammo on hand than I do .177, so no need to go buy ammo for a while. Besides, as much as I kept telling myself I wanted .177, I also kept questioned if that would be the best choice!
I like .22, many options/weights ETC. both my impact and wildcat are .22. The 18gr JSBs work well in both guns. I also have shot the H&N 27gr hollow point 2s out of my impact with great results.