FX Anyone Tackle the M4 Quick Set Trigger?

Anyone adjust their M4 Quick Set Trigger (QST)? I have watched the FX video on making the various adjustments, but found it's lacking one pretty important point...

In the video it appears you move one grub screw to two different locations ignorer to change from the Standard to either the Match or Hunting trigger positions. In the video, there is only one grub screw shown and it's removed from one position and installed in another, depending upon which trigger configuration you want. My confusion stems from the fact my M4 trigger has a grub screw installed in both the Standard and Match position. Do I remove one? Do I just back one off and adjust the other inward? It's my understanding the M4 comes with the trigger in the Standard configuration from the factor, but is it? I really think FX needs to be a little more clear on what sub screws should be where and if they are all needed or not! At this point, I'm not wanting to touch it because I don't want to mess it up!

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Another adjustment I'd love to make it moving the trigger shoe forward a bit so it fit me better, but for the life of me, I con't get that screw to move! I've tried applying heat to see if it might have Loctite applied, but that's not working either. These grub screws are too small and easy to strip, I'm afraid to apply too much pressure. Anyone else experience this?
If you want the target trigger take the other one out, and as far as moving the trigger forward I striped mine and had to use a tiny easy out, but was working on another which was really tight and found if you push the allen key in deep and keep pressure on the curve of the key while turning it will come loose..hope this helps.
Anyone adjust their M4 Quick Set Trigger (QST)?
The quick set trigger is certainly a misnomer. Having to move tiny screws and then fiddling with them to get the proper tension, every time you make a change, is not quick at all.

I wonder how the M3 trigger was adjusted?

I have a trigger pull meter and trying to adjust this trigger is a nightmare... in any of the positions. I can't get it to change the pull much at all. I'd so much rather have a single stage adjustable trigger... nice and simple.