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Anyone try the cheap Chronographs from Ebay and Amazon?

Anyone try these inexpensive chronographs that are $35? I'm not planning on tuning very often. I just need to tune for slugs. I've seen some youtube videos and a few positive post. Just wondering if anyone has compared one to a more expensive chronograph. Are they accurate, and consistant? Looks like there not going to be the most durable for I wont be using it very much. I already have a chosen pellet I just need to figure out what slugs it likes.
Anyone try these inexpensive chronographs that are $35? I'm not planning on tuning very often. I just need to tune for slugs. I've seen some youtube videos and a few positive post. Just wondering if anyone has compared one to a more expensive chronograph. Are they accurate, and consistant? Looks like there not going to be the most durable for I wont be using it very much. I already have a chosen pellet I just need to figure out what slugs it likes. View attachment 339427
I have that exact one and it works great....i bought if for poops and grins thinkin it probably would be good, but it was.....you wont regret buying that one......BC
Mine works fine for me. Then its not like i got a few " better" ones to side by side ..lol.

I dont use the ubolt to mount on the barrel it looked to stress the pc board and afraid it crack it out. Just setting it on the bench or somthing flat and resting the barrel in the bottom yoke works great for me ..

Some days you may need to cut some cardboard sunshields and tap to each side but what crony dont sometimes need somthing like that ?

Use to have nice pictures of it in action but i guess once again i deleted them ..

Thats 3 times today on deleted pictures i needed ..lol
minicrony 2.jpg

Cardboard sunshields.. helps no errors on side and helps read display
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FWIW I have multiple chronographs including an FX and a ProChrono but the little $30 clamp-on type is what I end up using 9 times out of 10.

  1. Agrees well with my ProChrono. Either it’s accurate or they are both wrong by the same amount.
  2. Has its own infrared light source. Works in any lighting and even in the dark. No fussy or time-consuming setup with screens or lights.
  3. Never misses a reading. Never ever. That alone makes it worth the price of admission if you’ve ever waited hours to check the speed of the first shot, only to have the chronograph fail to get it.

  1. No means to electronically retrieve the string. If you want to keep it, you have to manually copy it to a spreadsheet. I don’t frequently save long strings so that doesn’t weigh heavily for me.
  2. Stores only 40 shots.
  3. The one I have is older and has only integer meter resolution…meaning roughly +1.5fps resolution. People have reported newer ones show fps. For example in the Amazon reviews I see AGN member 45Bravo confirming it.
Anyone try these inexpensive chronographs that are $35? I'm not planning on tuning very often. I just need to tune for slugs. I've seen some youtube videos and a few positive post. Just wondering if anyone has compared one to a more expensive chronograph. Are they accurate, and consistant? Looks like there not going to be the most durable for I wont be using it very much. I already have a chosen pellet I just need to figure out what slugs it likes. View attachment 339427

Yes sir. Although I have an FX chrony which I take with me everywhere, I use this little unit at home when tuning. It's reliable, very consistent, never missing a shot and accurate. Although it is a P.I.T.A. to have to shoot thru that small area, that's the only real downside and for 30 bucks ( got mine from Ali Express) you really can't complain.
@nervoustrig Have you placed this chronograph in tandem with your ProChrono and shot across both simultaneously to compare readings?
Yes sir, that's what I was referring to in item #1 under "Pros". Actually what I did when I compared them was normalize the readings to account for the difference in distance from the muzzle and they agreed to within something like 5fps across multiple readings. Close enough that I lost interest in questioning the accuracy or repeatability of the cheap chronograph.
Also maybe said above like at gta there's the English manuals you can get and download and print . Where i got mine for mine. May have it here somewhere in this forum..

Ok new pictures above in my post..lol

All you need is pen and paper to write the teadings down or entrr them in a calculator as you scroll through the shot strings them convert the mps to fps

Mps x 3.28 = fps. . even a caveman can do that easy..
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Copy of the English manual linked below...I think this is the one provided by a member over on GTA.

Hmmm.. seems the one i got there eas plain text not script.. lol. I just know the features i just use now so id have to dig it up to look..

At least theres one to grab regardless to figure ot out ...lol