Anyone use this fill whip?

Anyone use this fill whip? I'd like to hear your thoughts on them.




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That is most likely a very good hose.
But after going to the seller's eBay site, have a few reservations
The first is that the ffairguns appears to be new to eBay and has 0 feedback

The second is that they are selling used scuba tanks that are out of date.
That fact in itself is not too disturbing but the product description indicates the tanks are safe.
And there is no additional warning whatsoever
It looks to be much too much caveat emptor

If it smells fishy it usually is

Just my 2 scents
I have been looking at tanks on EBAY and some are selling those out of date tanks as "Decorations"? Clearly a CYA move to avoid problems in case of an accident with the tank.
Yes, I can see hanging 60 minute tanks on the Christmas tree.
But seriously
Most of us in this hobby of ours understand that out of date tanks can pose a risk.
And it is, of course, our choice to use them or not
That includes me, with an outdated 60minute tank
I am aware of the risks, and also know that to use one I must have my own compressor because scuba shops will not fill them

However, I am reasonably convinced that this is not common knowledge, especially for newcomers to HPA

Therefore, it seems to me that a seller should-oughta go out of his way to explain (or at least point out) these things to potential buyers.

The more I think on it, IMO, ffairguns is certainly not purposely deceiving customers.
Just some transparency is needed