Anyone using Mrodair's Airmax compressor successfully?

Happy 4th of July! I have seen so much bad press I am wondering if anyone is using the Airmax gen 1 successfully as it came out of the box. I saw the unhappy thread on TAG and have not started using mine. I changed the oil to Royal Purple which I could buy on amazon. (how full do you fill oil on that visual indicator in the fill plug?) I increased the depth of the O-ring grove on the filter so that would not blow out. Any other must-do mods i must do before filling a tank with dry, oil-free air?
I had problems with the amount of oil blowing through and clogging up the first filter section very quickly. I have to clean this area about every 10 minutes of operation. I also had trouble removing enough moisture with the included water separator so I have purchased an after market filter to augment. I would keep the oil level at the middle or lower on the dot. Good luck.
I have one, has almost 30min on it, I removed the crankcase cover and cleaned "all" the residue oil out. I put Chemlube 501 in till it just touches the "bullseye/indicator circle. Disconnect the SS line going into the separator and run the compressor for a few minutes to make sure you get as much of the residue oil out of the airline as possible. Then get a good separator/filter, I got mine from the guy over on TAG. I got the 501 on Amazon.