Apolo slugs, .25 33grn

Has anybody shot these slugs by chance? I ordered a tin off Amazon on a whim (only $11 for 200 slugs). But these are the UGLIEST slugs I’ve ever seen! Not a perfectly round base or tip in the bunch. Haven’t shot them yet, but I pray they fly better than they look……..anybody had luck with ‘em?
Yup, they shoot great in the kaliburgun gen 1 and 2, impact mk3, hatsan flashpup.
I’d be shooting them out of an AGT U2 600. I figure if anything can shoot them well it’s that rifle.
Well, they've never really been bad, they be not as pleasing as the other slugs to look at but they expand well and they hit the mark. I believe they're pure lead which is why they're so cheap, and they're made in Argentina.
Well, they've never really been bad, they be not as pleasing as the other slugs to look at but they expand well and they hit the mark. I believe they're pure lead which is why they're so cheap, and they're made in Argentina.
Pure or not pure, material price is "same", talking about cents in price difference per kg.
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Found a decent price on these slugs here

Cheap shipping. Anyone try shooting these out of an impact m3?
They shoot well out of my buddy's impact. One thing to note is that the faster you shoot these slugs, the better they perform. So anywhere from nine twenty to a thousand is what I have found.